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Okay I just kinda need to vent a bit. So the other day we had a garage sale and we have some porch umbrellas that didn't sell, and we forgot to put down the garage sale sign so mom sent me, tennyson (my older brother), and micah (my younger brother) to get the stuff.

Tennyson got the garage sale sign.

The umbrellas have a weight on them that I could barely lift, and I don't mean curls or something I mean it hurt to lift it off the ground. We had the sale in the front yard and she keeps the umbrellas in the shed. The shed is in the back yard.

And it was windy. So I had the wind pulling the umbrella, and I could only carry it with one hand because of the weight.And the weight  was iron and with every step I would take it would scrape my leg and it felt like it was bleeding.

So Tennyson, the high school basketball player, who constantly brags  about how much he can lift, gets the small square of plywood. Leaving me and Micah to get the umbrellas. Since one was lighter than the other I let Micah get the light one, cause I'm not that heartless. And to add to that it was crazy hot, the wind was like a hairdryer that does not have a cool setting.

So my shoulder feels like it's been pulled out of its socket.

And he, the one who brags about how much weight  he can lift at gym, picks up the weightless piece of plywood.

Can I kill him yet?
The walk to the front yard to the shed would usually only take about 2 minutes. It took me 7.

My knee fells like someone tore the skin of it because the iron weight would hit it with every step.

Anyways there's my highlight of the day.
Thank you guys for reading through my lame, whiny rant. Thank you and until next time, bye!

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