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Hi! I'm wrote, yet another, terrible song.I don't have much else to say other than thank you for even considering reading this sucky song.


I am numb, I cannot feel

All these wounds, and they will not heal

You took my head, you tour it up

You broke me down, I'm broken now

Why didn't you help, all you did was hurt

Who I was is gone, I'm what's left

So I cast this spell, I give you this curse

When you leave, once you are gone

One day you'll suffer worse

Cause I am numb, I cannot feel

All these wounds, and they will not heal

You took my head, you tour it up

You broke my down, I'm broken now

Why didn't you help, all you did was hurt

So I cast this spell, I give you this curse

Karma's coming, and she'll make you hurt

She'll take your live, she'll rip it to shreds

You'll be like me, with a torn up head

You say I'm a freak, no I'm just unique

I am me, and you are you

Why could you never leave it be

Cause now I am numb, I cannot feel

All these wounds, and they will not heal

You took my head, you tour it up

You broke me down, I'm broken now

Cause I am numb, I cannot feel

All these wounds, and they will not heal

You took my head, you tour it up

You broke me down, I'm broken now

So karma's coming, and she'll make you hurt


So I know you're probably getting tired of my songs, and I know there always bad, but I've had this idea stuck in my head for a long time and it was driving me crazy, so I figure, if I'm gonna write why not put it here just in case someone would like reading it, even though it's unlikely.

Any way, thank you for reading all the way through this pointless song, and until next time.......bye!

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