One. And a Bit.

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Ambulance spelt backwards.

They were helping a man out of the car.

They were walking in their side.

That was an odd way to walk.

I try to giggle but my stomach hurts.

I try to grab it, but it seems like my arm is trapped under something.

My body.

Why was I leaning on my arm?

"Her head is bleeding..."


"She's closing her eyes again..."

It gets dark.

"Honey, can you hear me? I need you're name and your......"

The voices start to fade and jumble.

Where was I?

Am I in a film?

I wonder what happened.

Was there an accident?

"Stay awake, darling."

I hope whoever they're talking to stays awake.

Something awful must have happened.

Can I do something?

Is that why I'm here?

"Can you still hear me?"
"She's gone again."
"Get her in the vehicle..."

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