Not cool Casey

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Casey's POV
I'm going to get Insanty for getting me in some trouble. After Dad talked to Scout and I we left the kitchen. I thought of a good plan to get Insanity back and I ask Scout for help he said Sure. Once we got over the plans we put them to action. Once Insanty wake up she'll see that Im is wearing a lab coat and a needle in my pocket and fake blood on the lab coat Dude don't you think this taking things to far she even told us that is afraid of needles and scientist Scout ask who is helping me Nope I said as I got ready to wake up Insanity whom is about to wake up in about a few seconds.
Insanity POV
I woke up to see Doctor Isaac in front of me WAIT DOCTOR ISAAC I screamed blood murder and everyone rush in the living room to see what is going on. I began to have a panic attack and my face is a sickly pale color and I was shacking in fear he toke a step forwards I hurried off the couch and ran out the door to afraid to turn around I shift into wolf form and ran like a bat out of hell towards the woods. I didn't even realize it was Casey in a costume. I kept running until I fucking tripped over a log that I didn't see. I heard a nasty popping sound I tryed to get up but failed and I fell on my ass. But I got up and kept on running.
Scout's POV
What the fuck bro you scared Insanity and caused her to run off into THE FUCKING WOODS I yelled I could tell Casey felt guilty good that what he gets for scaring Insanity I though. Everyone is down in the living room Where is Insanity Kary and Xero ask Dumb ass scared Insanity to the point where she is scared shitless and shift into wolf form and ran off towards the woods I said Stupid ass nigga needs to learn not take things to far or the dumb ass I thought as we all got ready to go out to find Insanity what ever happen in her past must have been bad or she wouldnt have ran off like that I though as everyone is ready Dad and Casey are talking right now. Once they got done Casey said he would stay home to keep an eye here just in case she might come back.
Damn idiot taking thing to far like always I whispered Wait a minute I have to get some thing really quick Xero said a minute later he came back but with two objects in his hands but I didnt question him.
Insanitys POV
I stopped running after a few hour I realized I have a poke ball in my pocket but I never used the Pokemon inside.
I got him in a trade from another trainer whom name I can't recall. I heard footsteps so I climbbed the nearest tree.
Once I got up I didn't couldnt recognize anyone because of my instincts kick in after awhile after I got scared so that's why I ran off. I jumped out of the tree but bad idea I fell flat on my back causing pain to shot up my back I howled in pain. I tryed to get up but faild. I heard foots step coming my way I tryed to get up but I kept hurting my back hind paw which hurts like a bitch I think I might have broke it.
My eyes are a blueish green color that meant I was terrified. I growled as a warning for anyone who got to close to me.
Guys I found her she broke her back right paw I realized who I growled at and whimpered to apologies for growling at Xero and Kary I wagged my tail my are are a normal toxic green color. I barked which is the first time Sarah my wolf barked. My barked didnt sound right because I haven't barked in a long time What the hell was that Kary ask I barked again I sounded like a dying duck Haha you sound like a dying duck how long has it been since you last barked Kary ask while she and Xero laughed with my paw I used myclaw to write into the dirt to say 15 years they both stopped laughing Serously how long has it been since you last bark Xero ask I wrote the same thing into the dirt they looked at me weirdly So its been that long since you last bark Kary ask I nodded my head I tryed to get up and walked towards them but I fell again and twisted my fucking right back paw feather then it should be I let out a howl.
A few minutes later everyone is here I growled at Scout and I showed him my pearly white teeth saying 'get any closer I'll bite your fucking head and arms off' Scout toke a few steps back getting away from my space why is Insanity growling at Scout Kary ask I wrote in the dirt He was in on Casey's little prank Everyone looked at Scout and nodded their head to say 'no just no bro' I can't shift back to human form Fuck me I said in my mind Ghost replied Eew no Both her and Sarah laughed their ass Shut the fuck up you two I said to Ghost and Sarah in my mind and they did.
I got up off the ground my purple fur has dirt and leaves I shuck the dirt and leave out of my fur and held my right back paw up and limped/ walked towards somebody because my ear is itchy and my paws are two small to scratch the itchy ears.
I threw Kary on my head Hey quit Kary said as she scratch my ear causing my tail to wag How come Insanity is holding her back right paw up Scout ask She must have broke it falling out of a tree Xero said I shuck my head nope and I wrote into the dirt saying I tripped over a log everyone looked like I have grown another head.
I growled they stopped looking at me like I have an extra head I shift my size to the size of a german shepherd puppy. Look how small Insanity is about the size of a German shepherd puppy Kary said as she pick me up hurting my right back paws which caused me to yelp Sorry Kary said
I pawed at her hand trying to give her a high five I'm a weird weird demon/goddess/Cyborg but who give a rats ass.
After awhile we went back but I told them that I'm not talking to Casey for awhile they understood once we got back I growled and tryed to bite Casey because he tryed to pet my head and he is going to be in some deep shit with my mother.
I grinned evily at Casey getting in a bunch a shity trouble and guess what she is coming tonight to make sure their shift won't go wrong Shit I though Now what did you forget its a full moon out and that your so called friends are going to shift Said Sarah the wolf Shut the fuck up Sarah I said almost yelled shesh just trying to help She said well you can help bit not with you smart ass mouth I said to Sarah in my mind fine she replied I didn't realized somebody was petting my head until a finger is snapped in front of my face I looked at the person who snapped and that somebody patch up my broken right back paw. I felt a hand on my head causing me to flinch I was placed on the couch before I fell asleep I shift into my normal human for and told everyone that they have to go outside to meet with my mother they tryed to asked me why they have to and I just said Just go out and she'll explain everything to you And fell asleep on the couch.
(Le big time skip to three weeks later.)
I hate the feeling I got when we got to my home lucky for us we didn't land into slender woods but we landed near the boarder. Once everyone is up Xero went near the boarder Xero do not enter Slenderman woods or youll be dead by the hand of the world worst uncle I said Wait Slenderman real in your home realm Xero ask To hell Yea he is and he is properly feeling guilty for what he did to me I said as I help everyone up. Xero didnt listen and cross the boarder Xero you fucking idiot I told you not to cross the boarder I yell and the next few second later he appeared.
(A/n.Who is going to win the big fucking fight but we may never know XD. Sorry I had to say that I'm random and will say thing randomly at a different time. So be ready for Freddy's randomness XD. I know I'm bad at jokes but who cares.)

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