I walk down the street and decide to take the alley way,i see a
dead end when I turn around and see two guys arguing and one has a gun.i back up and hear a snap, "Dammit" I look at the guys fearfully,the man without the gun looks at me mouthing the word "Run".
The guy with the gun shot my ankle. I yelp from pain and fall on the ground barely breathing from fear
The guy runs to me,sets the gun down and pepper sprays my eyes. I rub my eyes whimpering and crying as I coughed from getting some in my mouth
I start coughing more and whispering "p-p-please *coughing*d-dont h-hurt me" the guy picks up his gun,puts it in the other guys bag and runs away.
The blood from my ankle makes a small pool and I keep coughing, the man with the bag takes his bag and shirt off and wraps the shirt around my ankle and pick me up
"I won't hurt you" he whispered
All I remember is passing out