Chapter 1

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The day is almost over, thats good. I need something to get my mind off what happened. I grab my laptop and went on twitter. I tweeted 'My last post sent from America. Ask my close friends why.' Im depressed. But Ive been depressed sense 5th grade. It got alot better in 7th and 8th grade. Now it feels like Im dieing again. We are going to have to leave at 11 to get to the airport at 12. I locked myself in my room blasting One Thing by One Direction. Me and Victorias favourite song. Just then I get a call from Noah. "Hey!! You have to come outside right now!"
"Wait wha-" he hung up on me. I get dressed in my favourite white shorts and blue sweater that has a big smiley face, with black flipflops. I get another call only this ones from Victoria. "IVY!!!! HURRY!!!! UP!!!! AND!!!!! COME!!! TO!!! THE!!!! PARK!!!!"
" Oka-" and she cut me off, too. I ran down to the park. When I got to the park everyone, I mean EVERYONE screamed "SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!" I was really surprised. I said something that made everyone laugh, "What the heck!?!"
Emily laughed the loudest and longest. "Its a good bye party!" she screamed screamed.
"We felt bad for being upset about you leaving,"  Victoria said, "So we through this!"
"Wow... is all I can say..." I ran over to Noah, Ryan, Em, and Victoria gave them a hug. "Im going to miss you!" The party lasted until 10:45. We all lost track of time! I said good bye and satrted up the street to my house. "Oh, yeah! Rena I wanted to give you something!" Ryan came running up to me. "Here!" He gave me a signed One Direction CD!! 
"Oh my God!! Ryan!!! Thank you!!!!" I screamed. 
"Wait till you open it!" I opened it and inside were three One Direction VIP passes!!!!!
"OH MY GOD RYAN!!!!! How did you get these!!??!"
"I saved it up. I thought that me, you and one of your new Irish friends could go."
"Thank you!" I said wiping a tear out of my eye. 
"Hey you better hurry, or your parents are going to get really mad. Its ten til eleven."
"Ill call you as soon as I can!" and with that I ran down the street to my house. Im going to miss this I thought.

When I got to my house mum was running around crazily double checking that everything is packed. "Rena its time to go come on!"  I got in the car and fell into a deep sleep.

The drive was 30 minutes long. When we got to the airport I got lost. I looked around for my family, but they were no where in sight. I was looking around crazily! 
"Excuse me miss do you need help?" The guy had a very strong Irish accent. He was about 5'10" and wearing a red snapback, sun glasses, grey cargo shorts, and a red polo. He had bleach blonde hair sticking out of his hat. It reminded me alot about Niall!
"Yeah! Thank you! I need to find Gate B."

"Well thats great because thats where Im going!", he said. "Whats your flight?"

"Ummm.... Flight 218. Yours?"

"Its the same! Whats your seat?"

"12F. You?"


"Im sorry, but whats your name? You remind me of some one." I asked. I was dieing to know! If it was Niall I would die! Im exagerating of course. He paused a while, then said "You cant freakout or tell any one. Im telling you because I think you will be able to handle it. Okay?"
"Haha okay Youre not a criminal are you, if so I would have to say something." I said joking.
"Im Niall Horan from One Direction." he whispered so I could barely hear.
I bit my lip and smiled hugley. "Please PLEASE dont freak out!" he said.

"Uhhhh. Okay. I wasnt expecting that. But its cool, your just another person." I said nervously. Im going to fangirl.  But I promised I wouldnt. Im going to die! Pleas I need help!! I cant breathe!! Im talking to Niall Horan!! Oh my fucking God!!! Im talking to Niall Horan!!! I was about to loose it! Then he said "Wow! Your taking this really well. Other fans I met went crazy.So whats your name?"

"Im Rena McDonald."

"Well, Its very nice to meet you Rena McDonald." Niall said holding out his hand.

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