The Savior

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Chapter 2

-Rex's p.o.v-
(Dream in italics)

"Alyssa?!?" Brandon yelled after his sister.

"Dude, why haven't you told her?" I yelled at him.

"I want to protect her, not lead her into this life."

A gun shot went off. "Alyssa!" He yelled and took off. I jumped over the bar and ran towards the parking lot where it sounded from. Just as I pulled the door open I heard two more gun shots go off. "If she's dead Brandon will go crazy." I muttered. Opening the door I see Alyssa standing holding a gun in her hands with two guys on the ground. "Alyssa?" I asked.

She spun quickly gun aimed at me. "No closer."

"Alyssa its Rex. The bartender, I'm not going to hurt you. Give me the gun." I said softly. I crept towards her like she was a caged animal. As I got closer she started to shake. She wasn't meant for the life she unwillingly just embraced. She was meant to live like a queen not roll with us mutts.

I reached her within a few seconds and set my hand on the gun lowering it. She willing gave it up and latched onto my arm crying. "I killed them." She hiccupped into my chest.

"Shhh it's okay. Everything will be okay." With the safety on the gun I dropped it and kicked it into the tire of her car. I rested one hand in her hair and rubbed her back with my other hand. "You're going to be okay."

"Alyssa?!?!" Her brother yelled rounding the corner. He had gone out the front and the long way around. He stopped dead when he saw the bodies. "Is she?" He asked me as I held her like she needed to be protected from the word. Which she did, she needed to be protected from a world me and her brother just walked her into.

"I don't know." I answered. "Alyssa sweetheart are you hurt?" I asked pulling away to look at her. Her blonde hair was now a frizzy mess and her make-up had run down her face.

"My arm." She whispered going to look at it. I looked too and saw she had a flesh wound the bullet that shattered her window grazed her arm.

"It's all good just a cut, the bullet grazed you," I answered and picked her up. I'd like to say it was bridal style but she clung to me like a monkey. Her long legs wrapped around my waist and she hid her head back into my shoulder, her arms around my neck. I put my hands under her nice firm butt, to hold her up. -The things I would do to this woman....Head out of the gutter! You barely know her! And she's the boss's sister. - I told myself as my mind wandered. I carried her through the back door of the club which had been successfully cleared out now and brought her to the second floor the mine and the boss's offices are. "I'm going to set you down now, okay?" I went to set her down but she whimpered and pulled closer.

"Merda."(Shit) I moved so I was sitting and she was on my lap. She already had me wrapped around her little finger. She was going to be the death of me.

"Alyssa?" Her brother tried again, "Can I see your arm to clean it?" She nodded and moved in my lap so she was facing him. I wrapped my arms around her waist gently.

The curves of this woman will kill me. I don't even know her, and she's gone through something traumatic and all I want to do and take her to my bedroom and never let her leave. What is wrong with me?

"Ally can we talk about what happened?" Brandon asked.

She got really stiff really fast. "You lied to me, a year ago when I was forced off the road and I asked why they were after me you said I don't know. You knew, you're the leader for Christ sakes! I could have been killed tonight!" There's the spit fire that I saw in the club earlier. "That is your explanation."

Brandon sighed, "Welcome to the Mafia sister. Rex is your protection plan," he turned to me "Take her to the house, stay with her. Don't fuck up Rex."

I nodded and picked her up again this time it was bridal style, "Come on princess let's get you to your new home."

Rolling over my pillow was soaked. The cold sweats covered me. Alyssa was Brandon's sister. I never met her and I don't want to she runs most of the business from Red Velvet and that side of town and Brandon's just the figure head. It's said she actually carries out the dirty work. She made me curious. If I could catch her I would take her.

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