A Date

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"This guy is a stud, and he's awesome.!" Polly said admiring Ronnie. "Hey baby, nice to see you again." he said as he kissed me on my cheek. "Aww, you guys are a couple now.!" London said. "Can I talk to you over there Ronnie.?" I asked. I didn't even care for his response. I grabbed his wrist and took him into the kitchen.

"Why don't you just leave me alone.?!" I said. "Damn you're sexy when you're mad." he said as he kissed me. I heard the door bell. I care for it. I just kept talking to Ronnie. "Hello Gerard. Welcome back.!" I heard London say. Shit. I pushed Ronnie and ran over to Gerard. "Gerard.!" I said. "Evee.!" he said holding the lily poppy in his hand. "Who is this.?" Ronnie asked as he put his arm around me.

Gerard's smile quickly went away. "Who's he.?" he asked. "Who are you.? Ronnie asked. I grabbed Gerard's hand and went outside to talk to him. "I can explain." I said. "Is that your boyfriend.?" he asked in anger. "Yes.!" Ronnie yelled from the doorway. "No he's not.!" I blurted out. Before I could explain he cut me off. "Why did you like me when you have a boyfriend.? I started liking you so I wanted to break up with Lindsay for you, after what happened I REALLY wanted to break up with her, looks like you liked me when you have a boyfriend.! I wouldn't even do that Lindsay.! After what she did, I think you deserved it.!" he said before he stormed off. Shit. I just lost him.! "I'll be leaving now" Ronnie said as he walked to his car.

Worst. Night. Ever.

At school, I didn't even want to show my face to anyone. But London said I had to go to school. I walked in the building and there wasn't one person who didn't laugh at me. I walked into biology and sat in my regular spot. I didn't want to participate in class. Gerard walked in and immediately sat down next to Lindsay.  Everyone started saying how much of an awesome party Lindsay had.

I went back to the lonely days. Shit. I lost everything now. I hated my life. I wanted to die. School ended in four weeks. We were seniors. That meant I won't be able to see Gerard anymore.

-last day of school-

I sat in study hall not studying. Just drawing a lily poppy. I missed when Gerard gave them to me. He had kept the one I gave on his doorstep. Probably thrown it away. With shock, he sat down at my table. "Hi." he said. I turned around to see if one of his friends were behind me. "M-me.?" I asked. "Yes you, um listen, I wanted to talk." he said as he looked down. "About.?" I asked like I knew nothing. "Do you want to hang out sometime.? Like a date." he offered. "Alright." I said as if I didn't want to. 

"I miss you." he said out of no where.

I didn't look at him. I just kept drawing. He slid a piece of paper to me with his phone number. " I looked up at him and smiled. "By the way, I broke up with Lindsay. She was pretty mean." he said. I quickly looked away. "Well, see ya." he said as he got up. "Before I forget." he handed me a lily poppy. I grabbed it and smiled. I looked back up to say thank you, but he already left.

When I got home, he had called me. I answered it right away. I could here the nervousness in his voice. "H-hi." he said. "Hi." I said with confident. "Meet me at the park next to the fountain. I have a surprise for you." he said. I didn't know is I was happy or not. "Sure, when.?" I asked. "Saturday, wake up at six." he answered. "Six.?! Are you a crazy person Gerard.?!" I said loudly. "Yes, just for you to meet me at the park by seven." he said. "No excuses.!" he said before he hung up.

I decided on Saturday, I would just dress as myself. No lingerie. At All.!

Lily Poppies. Gerard Way FanFiction.Where stories live. Discover now