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"Grossss! Can you not?!" I whined throwing a fry at their annoying as fudge faces. Wait I take that back, fudge is not annoying. In fact it is quite delicious. 

Maggie quickly pulled away from sucking faces with Calum and turned to me with wide eyes. 

"Oh man she wasted a fry to make us stop." Maggie looked terrified. I never wasted food. Ever.

"Look I'm super happy you guys are together and got passed the whole, "I'm a blood sucking, supernatural creature" thing, but you guys promised I would not become a third wheel. And guess what, I feel pretty third wheely right now." I said narrowing my eyes at them, while popping another fry in my mouth. 

"Third wheely?" Calum asked amused, completely ignoring the rest of what I had just said. 

"Not the point!" I grumbled throwing a ketchup packet at him. 

"I'm sorry Lexa, but we'll make up to you! I swear." Maggie said handing me her fries as a bribe.

"Keep talking." 

"Well we were thinking about going to the new guys party so-"

"We were?" Calum interrupted, confused.

"Yes! So do you wanna go?" Maggie asked cheerfully.

"Sure why not. I've been looking for a reason to get drunk anyway." I shrug, eating more fries. 

"Really? Do I need to remind you what happened the last time you got drunk?" Calum asked with a serious face, but I could see the amusement in his eyes. 

"OMG! That was hilarious! Calum had to drag you out of the party after you started yelling, "I'm a virgin and I'm proud!" Maggie laughed, even making Calum crack a smile. 

Yeah that was not one of my finest moments. But what can I say, I go big or I go home. 

"Never in a my whole 180 years." Calum muttered for what felt like the millionth time. Calum had told me that he had never in his whole 180 years of living had he ever met someone quite like me. 

"Yeah, yeah I get it. But I'm still getting drunk... Who is this new guy anyway?" I ask finishing off my fries. 

"Some really rich dude who wanted to throw himself a welcoming party." Maggie said.

"Sounds kinda like a douche." I muttered, standing up to throw way my trash. 

"But I heard he's quite the looker." Maggie said raising her eyebrows suggestively. 

Ever since she and Calum had gotten together, which was four months ago, she had been trying to hook me up with every guy that was single. She always loved the idea of us having boyfriends at the same time. You know going on double dates, going to prom together, all that jazz. 

"That doesn't matter if he's a douche."


"I feel like I should be standing on a street corner." I muttered trying to pull down the black sequin short shorts Maggie had chosen for me. 

"Who cares you look hot as fuck. Now stop whining because I'm going to make it my mission to find you a hot piece of ass." Maggie said in a demanding tone. 

"Well look no further babe." I heard a voice from behind me. I quickly turned around, already knowing who it was. 

"Sean!" I practically squeaked jumping into his arms. 

"What the hell are you doing here? No wait, what the fudge Maggie why didn't you tell me he was here?!" I asked looking back at Maggie who was smiling. 

"Well when I said I would make it up to, I didn't just mean a party! Sean came home for summer break!" Maggie said playfully punching her brothers arm. 

"Hey sis, where's your lover?" Sean asked looking around. 

"He's going to meet us here, and ew don't call him lover. Boyfriend is fine." Maggie grimaced. She had always hated that word, that's why Sean and I use it all the time to annoy her.  

"Whatever, you ready to get shit faced Lexa?"

I gave him a single nod, giving him a knowing look. 

"Oh no." Maggie muttered 

Oh no is right. Shit's about to go down. 

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