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This isn't how I had wanted to die.

Cold water splashed all around me and I went under, cold, salty water filling my lungs. Everything around me was in wreckage, floating pieces of wood and bits of the ship drifting peacefully before the waves crashed down on them, knocking them into nothingness.

I resurfaced and a cough wracked through my throat. It was so cold... I barely had the strength to stay surfaced when a strong hand grabbed hold of my arm and hoisted me into a rather large bit of wood. As my vision cleared, I realized that I was in a boat, with another survivor, a young lady.

I didn't have much time to gaze at her before a wave crashed into our boat, rocking it and soaking me once again. I shivered in the cold before another wave crashed down on us, sending me to the land of unconsciousness.

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