When He Gets Jealous

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You and Cole were hanging out at your house today. You guys watched a couple of movies and played some video games for a while until both of you started to get hungry.

"Hey y/n do you think we could order something to eat."

"Sure. What do you want to eat?"

"Some pizza would be good."
You went to go order the pizza,and then went to wait with Cole for it to arrive. You heard the doorbell ring ,got up to get the pizza.

When you opened the door you recognized the pizza guy as your ex boyfriend Jack.

"Hey y/n I didn't know you lived here."

"Whatever you've been here before. What do you want Jack"

"Ok I wanted to talk to you."


"Well I wanted to tell you I never stopped loving you. I'm sorry for being a jerk. I want you back."

You knew he was such liar. You and Jack dated like 3 years ago! Why would you get back together now?!

"Well sorry about that, but I already have a boyfriend."

"Yup and that's me." You looked behind you and saw Cole who looked really mad.

"So you can just give up our pizza and leave now" Cole said as he took the pizza and shut the door on Jack.

"Sorry I wondered what was taking you so long, and then I saw you still talking to him and I just-"

"Its alright don't worry. Your the only one I have eyes for." You both smiled and started to eat your pizza.

"Thanks y/n"

You were out at the store, to get some grocieries to make dinner.
Jay was coming over tonight and you were getting ready. You got the things that you needed, and got in line.

Behind you there was a boy staring at you, and then looked at all th food that you were getting.

"Hey what's with all the food?"

"Um.. I'm making dinner tonight"

"Oh you can cook, that's cool. Maybe I can taste your cooking sometime."

"Sorry I'm making dinner for my boyfriend tonight."


"Yeah and he's right here!" You look at the doors and see, Jay standing there with his eyes furowed. He started walking up to the boy and grabbed the coller of his shirt.

"Stay away from my girlfriend or else I-"

"Alright I got it just let me go!" Jay let go of the boy. The boy dropped his things and ran out the door.

Jay turned to look at you, and you had a smile on your face.

"what's with the smile?"

"Somebody was jealous." You tease.

"Yeah right, come on let's go." Then both of you left the store.

You and Kai were hanging out at the park today. You decided to take a little break from video games and take a walk out side.

You guys were holding hand in hand when you walked by a group of teenage boys messing around.

"Hey girl you look pretty. How would you like to go out with me?" One tall black haired boy said. You saw Kai start to get a little angry.

"Just ignore them Kai. They're just being dumb"

"Your right y/n" Kai said calming down a little, but that soon changed.

"Hey girl I could make you a lot happier than that ragged boy with you." He said laughing with his friends.

"That's it!" Kai said as he turned around and started fire from his hands. All of the boys were frightened.

"Run" Kai said as he started shooting the fire at thr boys. "Kai stop!" You said trying to stop Kai from injuring anyone. Kai soon stopped and let the black haired boy go, and glared at him.

"Some one was a litte to jealous huh?"

"Shut up." Kai said as he grabbed your hand, and you both started walking again. You were happy knowing that Kai cares a lot about you.

You were on your way to meet Zane at the mall. Zane told you that he got you something and he wanted to give it to you right away. Since you were close to the mall you decided to meet him there.

You saw Zane from across the street and waved at him. He saw you and waved back at you. You were about to cross the street when you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey what's a pretty girl like you doin out alone by yourself in the city?"

"I'm going to meet my boyfriend at the mall over there."

The guy then pulled yoy closer to him, put his hand under your chin, and turned your hand to face him.

"Well how about you ditch him and come with me. I'll make you really happy."

You were panicking and you knew Zane was watching, but when tried to look at him for help he was gone. You started to get even more worried, until you heard a familiar voice.

"Let her go!" You saw Zane standing next to the guy, looking really upset. You were happy he was here, but the guy showed no movement of letting you go.

"She doesn't deserve a tin can like you as her boyfriend."

You the saw Zane's eyes turn blue and lift his hand ready to shoot ice at thw guy. Zane the shot ice at the guy's feet to freeze him in place, then he pried the guys hands off of you and held you close.

"Don't come near her ever again!"

You and Zane then walked away from the guy,Zane's eyes turned normal.
You then felt cold metal on your nexk and looked to see a necklace with a snowflake pendant.

"Thank you Zane I love it! And thank you for helping me." You gave Zane a soft kiss on the lips.

"Your welcome, my love." he said as he started to blush.

You and Lloyd were at a comic con dressed in costumes of your favorite charaters. You were dressed as (favorite superhero) and Lloyd was dressed as Prince Donegan.

You guys were having a great time, until a boy decided to ruin that.

"Hey girl you look good in that costume. How would you like to hang with me."

"Sorry I'm here with my boyfriend."

"Really? Where is he?" You then pointed to Lloyd who was looking at the limited edition comic of Starfare.

"Looks like he's not paying attention to you." He then turns you toward him with his face close to yours.

"Come on. Dump that loser and date me."

"No I will never dump him. Now if you excuse me." You started walking toward Lloyd, when the boy grabbed your arm.

"Let go!"

"No not until you be with me."

"Leave y/n alone!" You saw an angry Lloyd step in front of you so the boy would let you go.

"Or what"

"I think you don't want to know"

The boy left, leaving you and Lloyd together.

"Lloyd, were you jealous"

"What if I said yes"

"Then I'd be really happy."

"Then yes" you then gave Lloyd a big hug and told him....

"Your the best boyfriend ever."

Well there ya have it. I hope you guys liked this chapter. The next chappie will be 'When you meet his friends.' Yes the time has come for you to meet the ninja. Yay! Until then my dear readers bye bye :D

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