When You Meet His Friends

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You were hanging out with Cole at the monastery. You decided to make some cake to suprise Cole when he's done training.

You pulled the cake out of the oven and put it on the table. Soon you heard footsteps coming from the dojo, and saw Cole enter the kitchen.

"Oh Sweet you made cake!" He exclaimed at he cut himself a piece, and sat at the table. Then he took a big bite of the cake.

"So how does it taste?"

"Great" he yelled and then kissed you on the cheeks. You then felt like someone was watching you, suddenly Cole let go of you and you saw a couple of boys.

"Wow, I thought it was impossible for Cole to love something other than cake." The one in blue said.

*sigh* "Y/n this is Kai, Jay, Lloyd, and Zane." They all waved at you.

"So you guys are really good friends?"

"That and they're my team." You then noticed Kai staring at you. Cole also noticed and got a little mad.

"Hey Kai eyes over here!" Kai then looked at Cole.

"you've got a good looking girl"

"Thanks and if you try to make a move on her-"

"Let me guess, you'll kick my ass?"


You smiled to yourself knwoing your going to enjoy being with his friends.

You were watching a movie with Jay in the main room of the monastery.
When you heard a bunch of voices behind you. Jay seemed to notice as well, when he sighed as you both turned around to see his friends.

"Look at this Jay's got a GIRLFRIEND!"

The red and black one yelled. The green one rolled his eyes at their behavior, and the white one looked calm. Jay sighed and said.....

"Y/n, these are my friends. That's Kai, Zane, Cole, and Lloyd."

They all started walking to where you two were sitting, then you saw a girl behind all of them.

"Jay, who is that girl?"

"That's Nya, Kai's little sister, and my ex." Nya waved hi to you, and started to talk to you for a while.

"So Jay this is your girlfriend." Nya said.

"Yes. I'm surprised your handling this well."

Nya smiled at him and left the room. You thought Nya was nice, so you were going to give her a chance. You spent the day getting to know Jay's friends.

"Are you sure you want to meet them?"

"Yes they sound cool"

"Cool? They are far from cool"

"Kai, they sound fine."


Kai led you into the monastery, and into a room where you saw a three boys playing a video game, and a boy and a girl talking to each other.

"Hey guys I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend, y/n."

"Hi nice to meet you. I'm Nya."

"Greetings I'm Zane" The three boys were still playing the videogame, until the tv suddenly turned off.

"Hey! What happened?!" They all yelled. They all looked at Kai who was holding the tv cord in his hand.

"Instead of playing games, why don't you meet my girlfriend, y/n"

They turned to you and waved.

"This is Jay, Lloyd, and Cole"

"Hi" you said as you waved back at them.

"So the hothead got a girlfriend." Cole said as everyone started laughing. Kai then pushed you out of the room and into the kitchen.

"So what do you think? A bunch of morons huh?" Kai said looking irritaded.

"Kai they're cool." You said as you gave him a reassuring smile.

Zane was taking you to the monastery to meet his friends. He was a little nervous, and you could tell by how he keeps telling you that they might be crazy.

"You ready"

"Yes" Zane opened the door to the dojo and you saw the ninja training.
They then suddenly stopped when they spotted you and Zane.

"Hey guys I want you to meet y/n. She's my girlfriend."

They all took their masks off, and the blue one stepped up to you.

"Zane, is this the girl you were telling me about?" The blue one said

"Yes. Y/n this is Jay, Lloyd, Cole, and Kai."

"You are okay with Zane being a nindroid, right" Lloyd asks you in a serious voice.

"Yes ofcourse. It doesn't matter if he's human or not, its what's inside that matters."

"Yup she's a keeper" Lloyd says.
Then everyone started talking to you as normal, and you gave Zane a smile.

"Thank you for introducing me to them."

"They can be very childish at times, but they are really good friends."

"Lloyd they sound really great I can't wait to meet them."

You and Lloyd walk into the kitchen and you see his friends talking and one is eating cake.

"Guys this is y/n. Y/n that is Kai, Zane Cole, Jay and Nya."

They all look at you and then one of them speaks up.

"Hey Lloyd brought a girl with him does that mean-" Cole was cut off by Jay screaming.

"THAT LLOYD'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!" Jay screams loud that it scares everyone.

"Nice now there's another girl that I can talk to" Nya says excitedly.

"Way to go Lloyd!" Kai shouts. And Zane just greets you like a nicw nindroid would.

"So, do you like them?"

"Yes Lloyd. They may be childish, but they're great friends right?"

"Right" Lloyd says as you guys make your way torward the others.

Okay here it is! I hope you liked how you met them all. Thank you all for reading my story, I hope you're enjoying it so far. Up next is: When he catches you staring. Until then see you next Saturday my dear readers, bye!! XD

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