Chapter 2

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Nina ^


I stare at the circlet on my bedside table, thinking about what happened a few nights ago. The fact that Anthony's mom is dead, our village is reduced to a handful of people, and how I'm in charge of their protection now.

When we finally made it to Josiah and Grey's village, Shivine, their leader found everyone from our village a temporary home in a newly developed area of the city. The houses are small and compact but we're used to that sort of thing because of our old homes. He also gave everyone some money to get by for the next few days, and I made sure to thank him countless times for his generosity.

He had offered to put me in a much nicer home because of my new rank, but I refused. I'm used to living like everyone else and I don't particularly mind the tight spaces. It's sort of... cozy.

I hear someone knock on my door and I hurry to the front room. When I open it I see Anthony standing in my doorway, dressed in the new hunting clothes I bought him with his bow slung awkwardly over his shoulder.

"Ready to go?" He asks and I nod grabbing my bow and my cloak before heading out into the chilly, September air. Shivine doesn't have many good fishing lakes so I figured I'd teach him how to hunt. I started teaching myself after my parents died, so after 8 years of it you could say I'm pretty good.

We head deep into the forest behind our houses until I find the perfect spot to set up. He sets his stuff down as I hang the targets on various branches. When I'm finished I step aside and find a stump to watch from.

"Go ahead, let's see what I have to work with." I say and he knocks an arrow, aiming at the first target. He lets it fly but it falls five feet in front of him and sticks out of the dirt.

"Huh," He says examining his first shot. "I've seen you do it hundreds of times and it looked so easy." I laugh and I pick up his arrow from the dirt and hand it to him. It's definitely not that easy.

"Here," I say and I adjust his arms so it looks like he's about to shoot. "Line the arrow up with your eye so it's a ninety degree angle, and pull it tight. Stand up straight, and focus on where you want the arrow to fly, as if you could control it." I help him so he's guaranteed to shoot straight. His hand lets go of the arrow, and it flies into the heart of the target.

"Wow, I can't believe I did that." He says staring in shock.

"With my help!" I say hitting him in the shoulder.

"Ow, no need to be so violent." He says rubbing his bicep and whimpering like a little kid. All the sudden I hear a crack in the woods behind me and faster than lightning I'm aimed and ready to shoot at it. A man in a cloak stands twenty feet away, his hood covering his face. He holds his hand on the hilt of his sword still in its sheath.

"Who are you?" I ask standing my ground. I hear Anthony shift uncomfortably behind me, probably ready to run if I gave the word.

"My name is Blade. I've been sent to see if there's any remaining Vore villagers, and it looks like I've found some." He relaxes and takes off his hood, showing his face and his messy brown hair. He doesn't have his markings yet but scars litter his face instead.

"Are you from Zago village?" Anthony asks through clenched teeth.

"No, I'm from Bock and I'm here to offer your people shelter in our home." He says and I lower my bow a little. Maybe we should hear him out.

"Why would you do that?" I ask. Is it just because of the numbers, because there's not many. Or maybe it's to make his leader look good, like a charity thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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