Chapter 1

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Ty and Amy Had there 1 year anniversary today! They decided as there present that they would adopt a child from Clint!

Jack: When are you guys going?
Amy: Sometime today. Would you guys like to come?
Ty: Ya it would be great if you guys came.
Jack: Yes! Me, Lou, Georgie, and Katie will go!
They all loaded into there cars and headed to Clints. He owned a farm place. They all got out of there cars as Clint walked toward them.

Clint: Hello Everyone!
Amy: Hi! Since when did you have horses?
Clint: I don't. We recently got a little 12 year old girl named Skylar and she owns 2 horses.
Ty: Oh wow.
All of a sudden 2 dapple gray (16hands) horses with long beutiful manes came running from the pasture. Skylar came walking behind them. She tied them up and tacked them up with trick riding Saddles.

Amy: Is that Skylar.
Clint: Yes that is.
Amy: I want more information on that child.
Ty: She looks like our dream daughter.
Georgie: How good does she trick ride?
Clint: I've never seen her trick ride so let me go talk to her and see if we can go watch her.
Clint walks up to Me (Skylar)
Skylar: Yes?
Clint: Can this family watch you trick ride they seem to be very interested in you.
Skylar: really? SURE!
Skylar commands her horses to the open arena.

Hey guys it's the author!
Sorry for a short chapter!
Next chapter up soon!

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