First Day Of School

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"Alright james lets get you dressed" I said picking up my brother from his crib, he starts giggling obviously not understanding what I'm saying after I'm finished and he's eaten I take him to to the car and buckle him in his car seat and start to drive him to day care, it seems weird that I'm only 17 and I can drive without adult supervision but I took the test when I was 16 and I passed and during that time is when I needed adult supervision. When my mom passed away I took the bus, I  hated my father I would never take him any where I went. After about 10 minutes we were finally there I got out and carried james who was currently sleeping, inside. "hello my name is blossom" I said to the desk lady "oh yes dear and this just be james right this way" she said, I followed her into a quiet room which I am assuming is the babys room. I layed james in the crib and whispered "mommy has to go to school now baby I'll see you in a bit" I kissed his forehead and hurried out and into my car. Today was the first day of school for me and I had no idea what class I'm going to or were the office is it was already 7:30 and school starts at 8:00. I finally got to school I got out of the car and grabbed my galaxy back pac, I took out my earphones and plugged them into my phone. I kept my head down not wanting to get attention drawn over to me. 1 second I'm standing the next second I'm on the floor "sh*t" I whispered, so much for not drawing attention "im so sorry I wasn't paying attention" I said picking up my stuff, i saw a hand helping me picking up my things "its alright I wasn't watching were I was going either" his voice was so perfect he handed me my things and I stood up i"hi I'm uhh blossom" I couldn't think strait he looked so hot his natural blonde hair quiffed up to perfection, his lip ring that he its biting, not to mention his huge biceps "hi uhh blossom I'm luke" he said smiling and holding his hand out. I shook his hand well its going to be a long day.

Hello I'm maria and this my first book on here, so this is a kinda boring chapter but it will get better I promise

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