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I couldn't move. My eyes where constricted, my hands where bound to a chair, and my legs where tied together. I shook my body, but it didn't seem to help my situation.

"Help!" My voice was raspy, and my throat felt like hell.

Tears started to cascade down my face, and stung in some places. I cracked my eyes open, to see nothing. Absolutely nothing was in my line of view. I couldn't help but feel even more helpless. "Help?" I pleaded, in a mere whisper.

I let my head hang low, as i sat there, willing my hands to be small enough for the hole that it was tied in. I tried everything, and nothing seemed to work. I gave up, on everything. I just sat there, with a dim light over-head, and a room full of darkness.

What felt like hours later, but was probably only minutes, I heard a door open and close. The noise sent my, what used to be a calmed headache, into a frenzy of stampeading woolymamoths in my head.

"Well, well, well. Look whos awake after what seemed to be years." I looked around for whoever spoke. The voice sounded familiar, but we all know im not good at putting voices to faces.

"How are you feeling princess?" They spoke again, this time in a mocking tone.

I was still looking for the source of the voice, but came up short. Whiever it was, just decided to stand in the shadows.

"Why dont you come out and let me see your face you ass!" I spat, now getting angry.

I heard quiet footsteps, and a shadow was casted from the darkness. They where a bit far out, but i still could make out their face.

As the figure approached me, the feautures started to become more evident. Icy blue eyes, golden blonde hair, chissled feautures, and muscles beyond the clear blue. As he stared at me with an annoying smirk, i couldnt but feel familiarized with this persons aura.

"Dont I know you?" I asked scrunching my face up in clear confusion.

"I do recall you leaving me on the roof to die. But hey, we meet new people everyday dont we?" He shurgged.

I gasped as the memory went flashing in my head. "No. Fucking. Way." I was completly baffled.

"Im sorry, i didnt quite catch that. Come again?" He cupped his ear and bent closer to me.

"It cant be you! Your dead, you died that night! I-I can assure you there is some mistake!" Anger flooded through me, as i remembered the horrific night.

"Oh dear! There is a little mistake." He faked confusion. "You were the one who was supposed to die! Not me! Then, you left me hanging there, like i wasnt in the same predicament!" His eyes flashed with anger, and a shiver ran through my body.

His glare was cold, his frame spoke to me. It said 'im going to kill you'. What did i do, to deserve to be here at this moment? Then I remebered, 'how the hell did i get here in the first place?!' Anger laced my face, as i remembered nothing about coming here volutarily.

"Whats the matter, princess? Cat got your tounge?" He taunted.

"Piss off!" I screamed at him.

His hand came flying at my face, and my head snapped to the left as i felt a stinging pain in my right cheek. Not long after, I felt more pain, but in my left cheek.

I bit my lip to keep from crying. I was biting so hard, i started to taste blood in my mouth. "Stop biting your lip!" He grabbed a fistfull of my hair.

I cried out in pain. "Ahh!" It felt like a million needles where in my scalp. "Stop!" I screamed, ripping my head away from him at a fast pace.

Which resulted in me getting another slap in the face. I am so going to kill him when I get out of here.

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