Never Again

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Never Again
Request for Stellar Prime
A/N: So I never do violent or graphic scenes so I kinda tried in the beginning here. Don't worry, it's not awful.

"You belong to me!" he screamed at you, his hand making contact with your face, the force of the blow sending you stumbling backwards.
"I never said I didn't," you assured him, biting back tears as your cheek stung where you were sure a bruise would form.
"Then that the hell were you doing with him?!" he cried, throwing his now empty beer bottle at you. It slammed into the wall above you, raining shards of glass down on your head. A few caught in your hair but didn't fall fast enough to cut.
"He's just a friend, I swear," you protested, trying to stand. Your legs were weak from the bruises and cuts that littered them, and it hurt to put so much pressure on your feet, especially with your sprained ankle.
"Did I say that you were allowed to have friends?" he yelled, rushing over to pull you to your feet. His fingers wrapped around your wrists, leaving bruises. "You belong to me, (y/n), no one else. Am I not good enough for you anymore? Do you intend to leave me?" He threw you down, your head colliding with the wall. You couldn't stop the yelp of pain that escaped your lips.
"No, (ex/n)," you whimpered. "I do not intend to leave you."
"Good," he growled, kneeling down before you. His hand roughly grasped your chin, lifting your face to meet his eyes. "You will never leave."
With that he stood, throwing you to the ground before walking away.

You awoke with a gasp that bordered on a scream, sitting upright. Cold sweat streamed down your face as your body shook with fear. The figure beside you stirred before sitting up and you braced yourself for a scream or a hit, but neither came. Your hands slowly lowered, temporarily dropping your guard. You looked at the man beside you and let out a breath of relief upon realizing that it was Tony, not (ex/n).
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. Your face buried itself beside the arc reactor, the subtle humming soothing your racing heart. You sobbed into his chest, hands resting limply in your lap while his hands stroked your back and hair.
"Another nightmare?" he asked softly, kissing your head.
"A memory," you sniffled, pressing closer.
His arms tightened around you securely, holding you close. He was the friend that your ex had been so angry to find out about, but he was still just a friend at that time. You wanted nothing more than to leave your ex and be with Tony, but you knew you couldn't. You were very sure that (ex/n) would kill you before even considering letting you go.
You hadn't wanted to go to therapy, too distraught and emotional to speak to a person. So Tony had offered you a journal to record your memories and dreams. It provided an outlet when you needed to talk about it but didn't want to physically speak, or let anyone know what happened. You'd recently begun letting Tony read it, especially when nightmares repeated. It was the only way for him to understand what happened to you.
He never judged you or your reasons for being with your ex. He simply held you close and let you cry, whispering sweet nothings mixed with declarations of love in your ear. He'd make you tea or hot cocoa to calm you, and there were always brownies and your favorite cookies lying around the Tower at your disposal. Sometimes he'd put on your favorite Disney movie, bringing back your childhood, memories of happier times. Of course your life had gotten much better since meeting and dating the billionaire, but you still had bad dreams and you doubted that they'd ever go away.
Bruce offered to help. Tony thought it was a good idea, you and the doctor working together. He figured that if there was a way for Bruce to keep the Other Guy at bay, you could knock back your dreams. You appreciated the doctor's help and ideas, but nothing seemed to work. He and Tony had even begun working on dream-repression serums for the nights that you were just too afraid to sleep, too afraid of the nightmares that awaited you.
Curling into the billionaire's chest, you let the tears fall and stain his tank top. You felt his fingers comb through the small tangles in your hair and his lips press against your head.
"Do you need anything?" he whispered, pulling back to look at your face. You took in a few breaths, trying to calm yourself. His arms remained around you as he waited.
"Chocolate and chamomile," you whispered in reply. His lips pressed against your cheek as he nodded.
"I'll be right back-"
"No!" you cut him off, clinging to his arm as he moved to slide off the bed. There were some nights that the dreams were so real that you worried your ex would return and take you away if you were left alone.
Tony smiled softly. He nodded in understanding. "Come with me?"
You nodded quickly, sliding out of the covers and shivering slightly as the cold night are brushed against your bare legs. You wore nothing but one of his favorite T-shirts and panties as you followed him out of the room. You continued clinging to his arm as he led you to the kitchen and filled the tea kettle – which you'd insisted on him getting – before setting it on the stove. He grabbed the plate of brownies and took them into the adjoining living room, setting them on the coffee table that sat in front of the plush leather sofa.
"Do you want to pick a movie?" he asked, wrapping his free arm around your waist. You nodded, loosening your grip on his arm just enough to intertwine your fingers with his, taking him to the movie case with you. You scanned his collection while his arms wrapped around your waist from behind, his chin resting on your shoulder. He kissed your jaw as you pulled The Lady and the Tramp from the shelf, holding it up for him to take. He kissed your cheek as the kettle whistled. You opted for fixing your cup of tea while he got the movie started. You returned with a steaming mug of chamomile just as he sat down with the remote. He bypassed the commercials and went straight to the movie, wanting to calm you down as soon as possible. You plucked a brownie from the plate just as Darling took the lid off the hat box and discovered Lady.
Halfway through the movie you were shivering, wrapping your arms around yourself in a hug and curling closer into Tony's side. He noticed and reached behind him, pulling the woven blanket that he kept draped across the back of the couch. He wrapped it around you, enveloping your entire form. You smiled up at him in thanks as he moved to lie down, pulling you with him. Your head rested on his chest and your arm at his side as both of his securely held your torso, one hand running up and down your back soothingly.
As soon as he met you and found out about your boyfriend, he vowed that no man would ever hurt you like that again.

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