Chapter 6: Thunder And Lightning

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When Shizuo came back in, he glanced out the window. It was late, and about time too. He sighed, knowing there was no time left to find those sons of bitches that took the one thing he loved most away from him. He walked quietly into the living room and sat down, picking up one of the newspapers Erica left and starting to read. "At least their information is convincing." He muttered to himself, the force of not getting mad with all the bullshit enough to make his tone seem rather passive.

He sighed in irritation, shaking his head softly. "Hey, Izaya, would you say it's too late to go out and try find those assholes?" Shizuo asked, seeing the info broker emerge from his office. Izaya looked tired to say the least, and the blond couldn't fight the frown that made its way onto his face.

Izaya looked groggily and wiped his eyes, yawning. "I just fell asleep while I was researching, don't worry. I think now is the ideal time to try finding them, but I didn't dress you up for nothing." He stretched and yawned again; grabbing his glasses off the table walking over to the sink, taking out his contacts. Shizuo raised an eyebrow curiously and Izaya glanced over once he was done. "I dressed you up because the people who killed Laura seemed to me like the kind of people who are attracted to a well dressed woman, or in other words, a woman who was dressed in a very attractive dress. That jersey dress should be perfect, and if we do this right, you'll be a free man by tomorrow morning." Izaya didn't give an explanation for the contacts, but Shizuo did notice that his eyes grew more hazel than before with his glasses.

"And why am I the one wearing the damn thing? Couldn't you?" Shizuo asked, still not threatening, but crossing his arms and walking over to Izaya, who promptly stumbled and bumped into his chest. "Are you sure you're alright? I thought glasses were supposed to make your vision better, not make you stumble into people?"

The info broker stood with one foot between Shizuo's legs and head resting in the debt shark's chest for a moment, chest barely rising and falling. "They're the wrong prescription Shizu-chan. Of course I'm sure I'm..." He trailed off, eyes growing heavy and foot trailing back to join his other one. "I'm okay." He murmured again, as though half asleep

Shizuo sighed and rolled his eyes, reaching down and picking Izaya up bridal style. It wasn't another second before Izaya was fast asleep again, cuddled into Shizuo's chest and sniffling softly. He couldn't help but wonder what had exhausted Izaya this fast, shrugging and continuing Into Izaya's room with the little body. As he walked, he could feel the pitter-patter of Izaya's heart against his fingers, and gently placed him down on the bed. As he went to shut the blinds, he saw a storm coming in rather quickly, and shook his head. Slowly he removed the heels and the top half of the dress, looking around for something to cover his bottom half. He found his old boxers easily enough, neatly folded with his shirt, so he donned both articles before searching for trousers.

So much for going out to find the killers. He pulled the blinds shut and turned back to Izaya, who looked cold just lying on the bed like that. As he had done the night before, he walked over; pulling the covers over Izaya and making sure he'd stay warm. He turned to walk to the door, and just he was about the leave, thunder broke out outside the window, followed by a flash.

Izaya yelped at the noise and sat bolt upright, pulling the covers up and around him and covering his eyes, shaking on the spot. "What the hell?" Shizuo muttered to himself, walking back to Izaya and sitting down on the bed. "Hey, Izaya, what're you doing?"

Shizuo could hear that Izaya's breaths were far from easy. They were gasps with whimpers in between, a dead giveaway something was badly wrong. "Izaya?" He asked softly, placing a hand on the side of the mountain of blankets surrounding Izaya's shivering body. "Come on out of there, it's just me."

"N-No, I'm uh, I'm fine, this is just how I sleep. I sleep like this, it's comfy, you should try it-" Shizuo cut him off with a whisper of silence, hearing Izaya swallow hard and looking into his eyes. They were filled with fear, and reminded Shizuo somewhat of his younger brother. It reminded him of the times when he stayed up all night just getting Kasuka to stop crying after a bad nightmare and go back to sleep. He would hold him in his arms and tell him stories until he could see Kasuka happily asleep in his arms.

"I thought I told you to come out. It's just me." Shizuo had a comforting tone in his voice. He saw Izaya wince and maintained eye-contact, grabbing the edge of the blankets and pulling them away so that it revealed Izaya, teary eyed from fear and shaking violently. "You're not fine, tell me what's wrong."

Izaya bit his lip and shook his head when another flash of lightning and thunder pierced the air. He launched himself forwards into Shizuo's arms, shaking badly and fighting back sobs. His glasses flew to the floor as he did so, clattering before settling down. "Can I h-have my blankets back?" Izaya asked through stifled sobs. There was one thing that made his crying different from Kasuka, Izaya hiccuped occasionally when he cried. Shizuo took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around Izaya, scooting back so he was leaning against the headboard and holding the info broker close.

He whispered silence to Izaya, who was gripping his shirt tightly. "You could've just said so in the first place." Shizuo muttered softly, moving the covers up with one foot and then fixing them so that covered Izaya's trembling body. Another hiccup. He could feel tears soaking through his shirt and sighed softly, allowing Izaya to cry into his chest while at the same time muttering reassurances.

Izaya remained tense whenever thunder and lightning struck, but gradually grew more relaxed, cuddling into Shizuo's embrace until the storm finally passed. He was still shaking when it had, and Shizuo lay with him quietly, moving his thumb in circles to reassure Izaya and starting to tell one of the stories that always got Kasuka to calm down, but instead of using Kasuka as the main character, he used Izaya, looking straight to the wall and reading it as though reading a story out of a book.

Gradually, Izaya calmed down, but didn't let go of Shizuo's shirt. His breaths still shook, and once Shizuo felt Izaya had calmed down enough, stopped telling the story. Izaya still struggled to regain himself entirely, but looked up to Shizuo's face, sniffling softly. "And then what happens, Shizu-chan?" He asked weakly, voice childish and broken.

Shizuo felt something hit his heart, like a dagger or, something else, and it made his heart skip a beat. Izaya wanted him to finish the story, but he'd never gotten that far before. "Then, he meets the girl of his dreams, and they fall in love and get married. Like every other story." Shizuo replied, and Izaya sighed shakily.

"That doesn't sound right..." Izaya muttered softly, voice only breaking once. Shizuo felt a smile play at his lips, seeing Izaya contesting him again.Shizuo chuckled at Izaya's remark, scooting down so he was lying down as well. "Maybe I should." He murmured in return yawning and glancing to the clock. "You can sleep in your room tonight, I'm fine with taking the couch."

At his statement, Izaya quickly wrapped his arms around Shizuo's waist, stubbornly holding on. "Or you could stay here? I won't tell anyone as long as you don't." Izaya begged, getting a small smile from Shizuo.

"Just promise me you'll go to sleep if I do." He smirked, repeating something he'd say to his brother if the occasion arose that he was being asked to stay. Izaya nodded, nestling his head into Shizuo's shoulder and smiling softly.

"I promise, goodnight Shizu-chan." He whispered in return, closing his eyes and falling asleep within minutes. Shizuo watched him absently, thoughts filling his head and forcing him to stay awake a while longer. The longer they held this off, the more dangerous this situation became, maybe not for Shizuo but definitely for Izaya.

Shizuo sighed, muttering to himself. "I promise we'll get revenge for you Laura, if it's that last thing I do." Izaya twitched softly in his sleep and Shizuo smiled. "Me and this adorable little flea."

He felt himself grow more at ease as he looked at the small grin on Izaya's face, eyes becoming heavy and thoughts ebbing away. Once he had revenge, he could afford to forget about Laura. The need for absolution and the ability to forget were in his nature, and he'd use them both to his most potent ability.

He yawned, turning so that he was more cuddled into Izaya, and fell asleep, face nestled in the mess of soft black hair.

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