Chapter 14: Paradise At Last

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[potential triggers: eating disorders, graphic sexual content]

Shizuo was making his way back to Tom's house, standing patiently on the escalator and looking to his watch. Eight o'clock in the evening, he hadn't noticed it getting so late. Then again, he hadn't noticed much since he stopped visiting Izaya. Time just seemed like something that happened instead of something meaningful. He ate just for the sake of not worrying people, but found none of the supposed flavours he had before. He went about life not as if it was running short, and found that simply smoking two cigarettes a day stopped cutting it. It was almost like his life lost meaning without Izaya there to be chased after.

He sighed as he looked at the small silver ring between his fingers from when he had measured Izaya's finger, hoping it would fit. He knew someday he'd have to face Izaya again, and when he did, he'd give Izaya the ring. It wasn't meant as a proposal, or a wedding ring or anything of the likes, it was just a gift, for Izaya's hospitality, though it was somewhat bizarre what happened in that little apartment. He ran his finger along the inside of the ring in silence.

His attention was absorbed by the ring, so when a man with messy black hair and a Raira uniform got on the escalator. He didn't know if it was going to be the right kind of ring, maybe Izaya had a special type of ring, and he hadn't fulfilled that specification. It was ridiculous to be worrying about this kind of stuff, but he couldn't help it. He glanced up and his eyes met with the man in the Raira uniform

His breathing stopped as the man flashed him a smile, reaching across and pulling Shizuo in close. The next minute, their lips were locked across the metal slope that separated them, and Shizuo was losing his balance as he was being dragged upwards and downwards simultaneously. The moment only lasted an instant before familiar laughter greeted him, and Shizuo was released, stumbling to regain his balance and blinking in shock. "I-Izaya?" He muttered, watching after the info broker.

He was frozen in shock, and once he had managed to recover, he struggled up the down escalator, catching up with Izaya and grabbing him, turning him around so that he was facing Shizuo. He looked him up and down in disbelief, it was as though he had never been hurt at all, other than the limp as he walked. "Evening, Shizu-chan." He said innocently, grinning up at the debt shark.

Shizuo couldn't believe it, it really was Izaya. He pulled the smaller man into a hug, holding him close and kissing his head. "Warn me next time you plan on doing stuff like that, I nearly lost the ring." Shizuo growled, sighing happily at having Izaya in his arms again.

"The ring?" Izaya asked, and Shizuo nodded, hesitantly letting him go and holding out the little silver ring.

"It's fitted to your index finger, since you lost that one when you got hit. Take it as an apology, it was my fault all that happened to you." Shizuo replied, face covered by hair. Izaya was struck by shock as Shizuo took his hand, slipping the ring onto his finger and holding onto Izaya's hand softly.  He kissed the top of it gently and sighed, seeing Izaya's face go red.

At first, the surprise froze Izaya, then emotion overcame him. He brought one hand up to his mouth but left his other with Shizuo, trying to hide the tears in his eyes. "I thought you forgot about me." Izaya whimpered softly, barely trusting his voice not to break. Shizuo looked as though he showed no expression, but he brought one hand to cradle Izaya's face, rubbing away the tear that spilled down his cheek.

"Tell me flea, how am I supposed to forget my life exactly?" He muttered in reply, and Izaya looked up at him, eyes big. The next minute, they were glued together again, and this time Shizuo didn't have to worry about Izaya leaving. He held the little info broker close in his embrace and felt Izaya's heartbeat against his own. The rest of the world didn't seem to matter, it was just the two of them, stood locked in an embrace. But the moment wouldn't last forever, and Shizuo knew he'd have to do something to really make up for what he had done.

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