Surfers and music shops

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Sophia sat cross legged on her soft sea-blue duvet staring at her guitar strings. She willed something, anything to come into her head to play. As the soft rays of sun glistened along her face, her mind drifted to the new guy next door, something about him captured her attention, yet she couldn't quite put her finger on it, because he seemed like the typical good looking guy who everyone wanted to date. She placed her slender tanned fingers on the strings, and slowly she started plucking with a tune. However the lyrics didn't come into her mind like they usually did. She sighed in frustration and and put down the guitar. There was no point trying to play music when her mind was blank. she couldn't help but glance at the new neighbours' van. She noticed that the surfboard was no longer on top of it. She glanced at it curiously. Ever since Rileigh and Avan had left an hour earlier with other things to do, she had to admit the home felt quiet. Emilia, another of her friends, and also her roommate was usually there to fill the sound of silence with her giggles, but she had gone home to visit her family in Florida. Sophia got up and her long, tanned legs took her effortlessly down the white carpet covered stairs. She passed the photos hanging in unvarnished wooden photo frames along the white walls. She entered the kitchen and sat down on the her wave printed bean bag, with a coffee in her hand and faced the glass balcony doors. She looked at her favorite pro surfers framed in pictures on the walls. If only she had a surfboard. She'd spend every single day out on those Australian waters, it would make this town a little less boring, plus, everyone here seemed to know how to do it.
She watched longingly as a little dot came out of the ocean and walked up the sand path. Sophia wondered why he was here. She wondered what his story was.
Isaac watched his tanned feet move automatically out of the blue ocean, and dragged a hand through his sandy blonde hair. He needed a good big meal unlike the takeways he had to get with Josh. It was weird not being at home, he felt so responsible. He was finally making his way in the world. Deciding his own future. He made his way up the sandy path, when suddenly he saw a flash of long, wavy blonde hair disappear behind the curtain of his neighbours house. He stared at the window expecting to see the girl appear again, but there was no movement. He made his way inside his new home for the first time, dripping wet, and surfboard in the crook of his right arm. He was still getting used to all this new stuff.
He grabbed the towel layed out by the front door and entered his new home for the next two months. "I hope you saved the best room for me!" He yelled at Josh, who he found in the kitchen.
"Heck no!" was his reply.
The smell of pasta made Isaacs stomach grumble even more. He ran a had through his sexy hair and sat down at the kitchen island. "Thanks for dinner mate" He says to Josh.
"No problem bro, but its on you next time!" Josh laughs as he sits next to him and places their plates down.
Isaac sighs in content as he eats his first mouthful. "Man its good to be out here for the summer. Away from everyone else, actually living outside of that old rotten town" Josh says.
"Yeah mate, you're totally right. This is like the perfect break before university". To be fair, there was nothing that extremely wrong about their hometown. It was just the fact that nothing ever changed, and it got boring, very quickly. The boys ate their dinner in a content silence. When Isaac finished he cleaned the kitchen up, and went up the wooden stairs. The walls were a deep ocean blue, just like his eyes. He discovered the bathroom, the first door on the right. The first door on the left contained an empty room. As if his thoughts were being read, josh comes up behind him and says "you can use it as your jamming room if you like. But, you have to promise that I can also use it as my gaming room" Josh tells him. "Thanks mate" Isaac bro hugs him.
"Come on, I'll show you your room" Josh leads him further down the hallway. "My room is on the left, and yours is on the right" he says as he opens the ivory door for Isaac. Isaac walked onto the soft white carpet, fluffy under his bare feet. The double bed stood in the middle of the wall to his right and was fitted with wave patterned sheets. The light from the large windows facing the beach, and the ones facing the other beach houses fill the room with a natural glow. A wooden swing hung from the ceiling and the walls were painted a nice light blue. "Whoa man! This is mean" He exclaimed as his eyes lit up in excitement. He sat down on the bed and let his muscles relax. It had been a perfect day.
Isaac woke up from his sleepy slumber at 8.30 in the morning. His duvet was wrapped comfortably around him and he had had just the right amount of sleep to tackle the day. His hair was beautifully messy and his muscles flexed in the morning sun. It was a big day ahead. He promised himself that he would try and find a summer job in this town, in order to keep his college fund in check. Back in his old town he was practically famous for his work with music, so he might have to start anew with his popularity here. But he also wanted to enjoy his summer and spend some time alone to relax, and making music was definitely the path to doing so. He opened the curtains and stretched in the morning sun. Isaac smiled for the first time these summer holidays. This is where he really wanted to be.

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