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(Just posted the vine that goes with this so go check it out. by the way there are two parts to the vine. This is kinda long. I'm sorry for any errors . I love you guys and hope you enjoy😘)

You worked at Starbucks but when you weren't at work or at home you were at the gym boxing. You loved to box. The gym that you would always go to had closed down so you decided to start going to a different gym. You were pretty short and you didn't look intimidating at all. You looked like you couldn't hurt a fly but it was the exact opposite.

You could take a grown man down and make him cry like a baby. You got ready and grabbed you're bag and walked to the gym. When you walked in you noticed that it was only men in the gym. 'Oh great. Just my luck' you thought. You walked over to the punching bad and started to practice you're punches. You weren't really trying.

You were just messing around, not wanting to get tired. You felt a tap on you're shoulder and turned around. You were face to face with a boy who was much taller then you. He had blonde hair with brown roots and piercing blue ocean eyes. He looked strong. He was really fit. He was super cute and not to mention hot.

"Can I help you?" You asked

"No but maybe I can help you. I'm Niall. I saw you over here and you looked like you needed a little help" he said sweetly

You decided to have a little fun with this. It was like a light bulb went off. You had the perfect plan. It was a pretty good plan. Never underestimate a girl

"um yeah sure. Oh I'm (y/n) by the way. I'm kinda umm new to boxing" you said shyly

"It's okay love. I'll teach you" he said smirking

"Okay" you said

(Niall's p.o.v)

She's so.......clueless. It was actually quit amusing to try to teach her. She couldn't get anything that I taught her right. She was super cute and beautiful but she was definitely not my type. I kinda wanted a girl who at least knew something about boxing.

Oh well. We finished boxing. (Y/n) was putting her gloves in her bag and the zipper got stuck so she was struggling with it. Awe she looked so cute. Wait why am I thinking this? Ugh no. Me and (y/n) both left the gym and went our separate ways. I think I'm gonna go to the pub down the street from my house.

I went home and changed clothes. I got in my car and headed to the pub. When I walked in I wasn't expecting to see what was in front of me. It was (y/n). She's so sweet and nerdy, why the hell is she here?!? She was dressed like a bad ass and that was pretty unusual.

I mean she looked really beautiful but it was surprising she seemed to nerdy to dress like that. I started walking towards her when I noticed a guy trying to talk to her I felt a pain of jealousy but then I noticed that she didn't seem happy about him talking to her.

(Normal p.o.v)

After 'practice' with Niall you decided to go to the pub. He totally fell for it. Niall eventually got really frustrated and gave up. You went home and changed out of you're sweaty close and put on something more casual. You walked to the pub and headed straight to the bar.

You sat down on the bar stool. You were minding you're own business when a guy who looked older then you came up to you. He looked like he was in his mid twenties

"Hey sweetie, can I buy you a drink?" He asked. His breath reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.

"No thanks pal" you said with attitude

"Oh getting feisty ayy?" He asked.

"Hey (y/n)" you heard a familiar voice say.

It was Niall. He was now standing in between you and the perv who was hitting on you.

"Get lost. This girl is mine. Go find you're own" the guy said slightly pushing niall

"This is MY girlfriend pal. Leave her alone" Niall said. It shocked you but you were going crazy inside at the fact that he called you his girlfriend.

(Niall's p.o.v)

Holy crap. Did I really just say that?!? That felt really good to say for some reason. What is happening to me? Do I like her? No no no there is no way in hell that I like her. Oh my god I like her

(Normal p.o.v)

"Yeah right. I'm supposed to believe that this gorgeous girl is you're girlfriend?" He laughed

"I don't care if you believe it or not it's true. Leave me and my boyfriend alone" you yelled

"Whatever. I don't need a bitch like you anyways" the guy said trying to push past niall but Niall wouldn't let him pass him.

"Don't ever fucking call her that you prick" Niall yelled

Niall pushed the guy to the ground and started to throw punches straight to the guys face. Niall had him pinned on the ground and continued to throw punches. The guy rolled over so now niall was on the bottom.

"Get off of him" you yelled. You tried to pull the guy off of Niall but someone pulled you back.

The guy kept trying to throw punches but niall kept blocking them. He punched niall once but that was all you needed to step in. You pushed you're way threw people and finally reached to where they were fighting.  You pushed the man off of Niall and pinned him back on the ground. You kept punching him in his face and gut.

(Niall's p.o.v)

Holy shit! Where the hell did she learn how to fight?!? Oh my gosh she's beating the crap out of him. I should probably help him but this is awesome to watch......oh crap okay I gotta help him.

(Normal p.o.v)

Niall pulled you off of the guy. You kept yelling and screaming. Niall picked you up and his arms were around you're torso and you're back was facing him. You were kicking you're legs trying to get Niall to put you down. The guys friends were carrying him out to the parking lot and that's the same place you and Niall were going. Niall was still holding you so you wouldn't go hurt the guy even more.

"I'm going to fucking kill him" you yelled. Niall just laughed at you because he found it so cute

"Calm down babe. You beat his ass enough for today" Niall said.

Niall turned you around and pulled you into his chest as you were still yelling profanities.

"He's dead. He's fucking dead. Niall let m-" you said but were cut off by Niall.

Not by his voice but by his lips. His lips were on yours within seconds. You're lips moved together in perfect sync. It felt like small electric sparks were on you're lips. Niall pulled away reluctantly.

"C'mon princess lets go" Niall said leading you to his car. You walked to the pub so it was no problem. You and Niall got in the car and started driving to his house.

"You were awesome back there but I have to ask. How the hell did you fight so good?" He asked in amazement

"I've been training since I was 15" you said

"That's amazing......you're amazing" Niall said taking your hand in his.

"We're here" Niall said

You and Niall got out of the car and were walking to the door hand in hand when Niall stopped you. He turned you to face him and took both of you're hands in his. He looked straight into your eyes.

"Okay I'm just going to come right out and ask this. (Y/n) will you please be my girlfriend?" He asked quickly

"Yes" you simply answered

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