One of the boys tweets a picture of you

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*****sorry for any errors. Thank you so so much for all the reads😘*****

You and Niall were going to Liam's house for a movie night with the other boys. You and Niall were super tired but decided to still go to movie night. You two never passed up the chance to go to Liam's house, but that's probably because he always has the best snacks.

You put on you're pajamas and Niall did too. You would always go to movie nights in you're pajamas. You and Niall got into the car and Niall started driving to Liam's house.
You got there after about twenty minutes.

You and Niall got out of the car and walked up to the doorstep and Niall rang the doorbell. Liam opened the door within a matter of seconds

"Hey!!" Liam said and pulled you both into a hug.

"Hi Liam" you said

"hey mate"Niall said.

Liam moved so you could both come in and closed the door after you.

"They're here" Liam yelled.

All the boys ran to where you and Niall were standing, pulling you both into a group hug.

"Can't breathe" you muttered

Everyone pulled away saying a small sorry then laughed. You all walked into the living room while Liam got his favorite movie. Toy story. Liam loved that movie so much.

'He should just marry the damn thing' you thought as you walked into Liam's kitchen to go get some chips. You got the chips that you wanted and went back to the living room.

When you got to the living room you saw that everyone had already got blankets, you usually had to get them so you were happy they got them. Liam, zayn, and Louis were sitting on the big couch and Harry was laying on the small couch already falling asleep.

Niall was sitting on the smaller couch that sat two people, on the left side of the room.
You quickly turned off the light and walked over to Niall. You laid down next to him and cuddled up to him. He wrapped his arm around you and laid his head between your shoulder blades.

You're head was resting on the arm of the couch and your arm was covering your eyes from the brightness of the TV. You set you're phone down on the couch cushion. You felt Niall set the blanket on you're waist but not fully on you. It was to hot for a blanket

"Go to sleep princess, I'll wake you up when the movies over" Niall whispered in your ear.

You nodded you're head and started to drift to sleep.

******Time Skip******

You heard you're phone go off and it woke you up immediately. It scared you. You rubbed you're sleepy eyes and looked around for you're phone. You and Niall were still in the same position as you were when you both fell asleep.

You heard someone in the kitchen and knew it was Liam because all of the other boys were gone. You grabbed your phone and it said you had a Twitter notification. It was from Liam.

'Real_Liam_Payne: @NiallOfficial and @Y/T/N you two are the cutest couple in the world and I don't mean to be rude but umm.....can you get off of my coach?' Liam tweeted with a picture of you and Niall sleeping (pic on side)

You laughed at Liam's tweet and felt Niall stir beside you. He groaned and his grip on you got tighter.

"Niall sweetie. You need to wake up." You said while brushing away the loose strands of hair that were hanging down in his face.

He just made a weird nose and muttered something but you couldn't understand what he said. He pulled you closer to him, as if it was even possible. You knew what you had to do to wake him up. You wiggled out of his grip and stood in front of him with your hand on your hip.

"Niall wake up or I won't buy you Oreos the next time I go to the store" you said sternly

Niall quickly shot up.

"I'm up! I'm up! Don't take my Oreos!! Please" Niall yelled frantically

"Niall quite. We're still at Liam's. I'm not naming any names so let's just say my forgetful boyfriend forgot to wake me up because he fell asleep" you said

"Wait we're still at Liam's I thou- ooohhh haha ummm you're boyfriend isn't in trouble though, right?" He asked slightly worried of your answer

"Oh he's in trouble but not by his girlfriend" liam said walking into the room with an apron on and a fork in his hand.

"Your on your own" you said and started walking to get your shoes

"Oi. No way missy. In case you forgot, I'm the one who drove here and the keys are in my pocket" Niall said with a smirk on his face.

"Fine. Liam touch him I'll kill you and Niall lets go" you said

Niall got up from the couch and gave Liam a hug and walked over to the door where you were standing.

"I'm sorry we slept here last night" you apologized

"It's okay love. I know you guys have been tired" liam said giving you a hug goodbye

"Bye Liam" you and Niall said in sync

"Bye weirdos" Liam said

You and niall walked out of Liam's house and he closed the door behind you. You and Niall walked down the driveway hand in hand. Niall stopped for some reason.

"What's wrong Ni?" You asked

"You didn't give me a good morning kiss" he pouted

You laughed at your silly boyfriend but still thought it was cute. You leaned in and pressed a sweet loving kiss on his lips then pulled away.

"I love you (Y/N)" Niall said

"I love you too Niall" you said

You both went home and made breakfast enjoying each other's company.

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