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As I wander away after the 'wrestling match' I come to the MedJacks hut, I stay there because it's the only place other than the showers that has a room with a lock. When I am about two meters away from my door I hear the foot steps of someone, I don't let the person know I hear them and carry on walking. I slow my pace down but not enough that it is that noticeable and open my door. I aimlessly push it and leave a gap for another person to slip in.

"Why'd you walk away Sailor?" A voice greets me, instantly I know it's Gally.

"I don't know I guess I just wanted some privacy. What was that out there by the way?" I kick my shoes off, still close to the door. I find a hair band round my wrist a put my long brown hair up in a messy ponytail.

"I dunno, I guess I couldn't help myself..." He locks the door and I feel him creep closer, his hands snake around my waist from behind and he starts tentatively kissing my neck as his hands roam over my stomach and sides.

"You know that we barely even know each other right?" I state between heavier breaths.

"But it doesn't matter, because either way you'd still end up being in this situation" his hands have found the bare skin under my shirt and are lightly caressing my soft skin. His kissing has made its way to my jaw.

A simple "oh really?" Manage to escape my lips.

He takes charge in this situation and makes me spin to face him and he pushes me against the wall my hands are once again above my head and his lips are bound to mine, with one hand holding my hands, the other is free to pull my legs up and around his waist. Now it's my turn to assault his neck with kisses and light bites. Little, barely audible growls sound from him while he slowly sets me down and lightly rests his finger tips on the waistline of my trousers. I smack his hand away, not wanting this to happen on the first day in the glade. "I'm sorry but I don't want to be labeled on my first day here and-" I was cut off by a softer kiss.

"Don't worry" he answers with a smile, he guides me to my bed and I snuggle in. Gally goes to leave but I ask him to stay and he does. 

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