Chapter 21: Senseless Love

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"The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist." --Pope St. Gregory the Great


[Demetrio's POV]

I woke up with a smile in my face, feeling refreshing. Waking up with Yvonne by my side is becoming a routine and I'm getting used to it. Loving the feeling of her beside me, with her face as the very first thing I see when I opened my eyes.

Her head was nestled under my underarm with her hand wrapped around my waist like a vine, and her legs was tangled on mine. I'm feeling sweaty, but I don't care if the prize is my woman's limbs is all over my body.

I glance the time on the table on her side and it's already seven in the morning. I was planning to take her shopping for her dress tonight. I wanted her to look glamorous and to boost her confidence.

I felt excited as the thought of her fitting dresses in front of me. It was very appealing and I want to see her in a glamorous dress. I bet she will look a million-dollar in every dresses and I can't wait to see it.

I slowly and gently untangled myself off her reluctantly, as I had a lot of phone calls to make before we leave.

She stirred for a second, but then she went back to sleep curled in a ball. I pulled the blanket up to her shoulder and kiss her hair before leaving her, making my way to the living room grabbing my phone from the side table.

As soon as I'm out I dialled Timothy. One of my best trackers of missing people.

"Timothy Speaking, how m-"

"Tim, it's Demetrio!" I began cutting him off.

"Yes, Demetrio. What can I do for you this time?" he inquired. His excitement is palpable on the other line.

Timothy was an ex-CIA and used to be a CIA tracker. He was one of the best tracker of the CIA ever exit. He never failed me, yet.

"I want you to find this man named, Lauro Blas. He's from Brazil. I have no other information other than his name, just yet. But, I will go sniff around the De Rossi's premises and see what I can get. He's of nowhere within Brasilia. Collect any Lauro Blas from Brazil and we will start dissecting from there." I ordered in my steel tone. As the thought of the merciless Flavio De Rossi killing Yvonne's dad just made me more determined to bring him to where he should be, behind bars.

Yvonne's dad needs justice. And, I will not stop until Yvonne's family will get that justice.

"Sure boss, working on it now. I'll get to you when I have informations." he replied too excitedly.

It's been several minutes passed since the call with Timothy. My head races with lots of speculations. I can't wait to meet the whole family. The family who bullied Yvonne and her family. I will let them pay what they did to her and to her family.

I settled myself on the couch and leaned my back on the back support as I dialled Nicolas. Not long, a groggy Nicolas voice rang in my ears.

"Nicolas, Speak!" he snapped. I guess someone just woke up in a foul mood.

Of course, It's Nicolas! The most bull-headed and hot-tempered among my friends. I've been with him long years and its still surprised me how much temperamental he is.

He's in Hawaii and Brasilia is approximately seven hours ahead of Hawaii. I guess I woke him up.

"It's Demetrio, Nick!" I chuckled softly.

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