Chapter 4

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The icy wind sent chills down my spine. I opened my bedroom window just to stare at the rising moon. I leaned on the open window blinking to try and not cry. The breeze gently blew into my room, making my hair fly. I sighed loudly. What happened in those woods? I asked myself as I stared curiously at the tall trees. Something happened... I just wish my stupid brain would remember.... Right at that moment, my head began to ache and throb, getting worse by the second. It felt like something was crushing my skull. I fell to the floor in agony, messaging my temples as if that would help me at all. I screamed and hollered in pain. I curled into a ball, flinching the worse it got. Within a few seconds, everybody was rushing into my room... Their voices were muffled, but I could still make out what they were saying. Mom was first in, yelling for Lucas. "Help!" She screamed. I couldn't move. My body felt paralyzed and helpless to the horrible waves that were piercing through me. "What's going on?" I cried out desperately, yearning for the pain to stop tearing through me. It was worst than anything I have ever felt before. "Baby we're going to help." Lucas yelled. I was too busy hurting to stay mad at anyone right now. Then, the pain surged through my entire body, causing me to cringe. My head... my chest.... my arms... legs... and feet all hurt and throbbed. "Sissy!" Ryan yelled, crying almost as much as me. I can't believe this! What the fuck is happening?!?! On top of all this, I felt like I was in boiling hot water. I even began to sweat! I swear... I felt like I was dying. I felt like my body would soon explode. But once again, my pain disappeared as I blacked out on the floor.


I woke up at the hospital once again, unaware of anything at all. I remembered nothing. Why does this keep happening? I don't know. I wish I did. "How are you?" Dr. Harding asked. He was standing at my bed side with my records in his hands. He was searching through it as if he was confused or worried. I looked at him and shrugged. "I don't know. You tell me." I replied. He searched me. "Honestly? I don't know." My heart dropped. I just wanted to know what the Hell was wrong with me! I hate not knowing. I could be dying for all I know. Ugh! "We couldn't find anything wrong with you, Ms. Shade." Dr. Harding said with a soft voice. His blue eyes were full of uncertainty, and so were mine. I stared ahead of me, trying to stop myself from going crazy. How can this happen? Shit like this doesn't happen... This is reality, no fucking fantasy world where there are happy endings and rainbows all day long. No! This is life, where the only sure thing is death. There is no such thing as healing instantly! I must be losing my mind. Either that, or I'm already dead. "Your vitals seem normal, and you're surprisingly very healthy. It must have been just a migrane or maybe a side affect from the pain medication we gave you earlier." He explained, waving his hand. That's it? That can't be it! Is it? Oh, I wish I knew.... but maybe he's right... it's all in my head. "Alright. So what does that mean?" I asked, kind of hoping he would tell me to go home. Dr. Harding sighed and looked once more at my files. "I know you want to go home... but you need to stay over night, okay? I need to make sure you're okay." I felt like screaming! Ugh! "Fine... but only one night." I muttered. A smirk drew across his lips. "Okay, Ms. Shade. I'll let you say goodnight to your family." He nodded at me as he left the room. Once he was out of sight, I fell back onto the bed with a thud, sighing. I hate this place. Mom walked in, along with Lucas and the two boys. "Boys," Mom said quietly, "say goodnight to your sister." Both Ross and Ryan ran up to my bed and reached over to hug me. I sat up and pulled them into a big group hug. "Night, boys." I smiled. Then they waved at me as they both shot out the door, continuing their previous game. I eyed my "parents" as they slowly walked up to me. "Goodnight." Lucas said. I think he knows I'm still pissed at him. Good! Fuck you, Lucas!!! I didn't bother to answer him. He looked at mom, then walked out with his head lowered. "Why do you have to be so--" I sneered at Mom. Why do I have to be so.... what, Mom? Hmm? I dared her to say it. Surprisingly, she didn't. When she saw my expression, she stopped. Then, she wrapped her arms around me for the first time in, what feels like, forever. "I know that it's hard for you, Dare, but can you at least try to get along with him?" She whispered as her grasp tightened. I couldn't help but cry on her shoulder. When my father--my real father-- was around, we would always do this, just hug each other and talk. I feel like Lucas took that away from us... He took her away from me--from my father. "Mom, I can't--" I cried clinging onto her shirt. "Just try, baby... Okay?" She whispered into my ear. No.I will never get along with him! He's an ass hole to me... Why would I be nice to him? Sorry, Mom. Of course, I had to lie. "Okay. I'll try." She smiled at me, kissed my forehead, and walked out after the boys and Lucas. I laid back down the same way I did earlier. This is gonna be a long night.... ugh!

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