Chapter 6

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I don't remember much.... I barely remember anything. Honestly, it felt like a dream. You know, you know you did something.... you remember dreaming... but a few minutes after your eyes spring open the next morning, that dream slowly drifts away into the obis of your mind, long forgotten... You know that you've dreamt about something..... but you don't exactly know of what. Well, that's how I feel right now--unaware and dazed. Here's what I remember: I remember growling viciously before jumping off of something... maybe it was a window.... maybe not. I don't know. My body tingled. The feeling is still lingering. Let's see.... Oh! And I also remember seeing... somebody... somewhere dark.... but I can't remember exactly who or where that was. My throat constricted as I felt tears flooding my eyes. What's wrong with me?!?! I could barely breath. All I could think about was all that pain. I still feel it... in the pit of my stomach... The feeling is so distinct... like breaking your bones almost. Have you ever broken a bone? I'm sure you have... but in case you haven't.... let me just tell you that it's very very painful... And for those of you that have, imagine that pain surging through your entire body and never stopping. Yeah. It wasn't fun.... especially when your body aches even more the next day! How is that possible? I don't know... but it is. The last thing I remember clearly was waking up a little before 3 A.M. across the street from the hospital, behind a bunch of bushes and trees. I walked over to the hospital and stared up at my room, which was on the fifth floor. Then, I woke up the next morning at exactly 7 o'clock in my bed as if nothing happened. Maybe it was a dream. Maybe not. Who knows? Cause I sure as Hell don't. As soon as my eyes focused, Nurse Linda walked through the door with my file. I wonder what was wrong. "Morning, Ms. Shade." She smiled. I nodded gradually at her, then stared, waiting for words to escape her. She looked at me with still eyes. She seemingly looked as if she was trying to decide on something. I wish I knew what that was. After a bit of struggle, she turned around quickly, closed the door silently, locked it, closed the blinds, and walked over to the window facing away from me. While I watched her move across the floor, I remembered jumping from that exact spot. I was reliving it, but I remembered nothing else. I was brought back to reality when she faced me once again and asked, "So when did it start?" I was confused by her vague question. When did what start? I flashed her a confused look and shrugged. Then she sighed. "When did the blackouts start? Hmmm?" She grew tense every second. How does she know about the blackouts? "Um... yesterday.... no. The day before?" I replied guessing. I don't remember! "The first day I was admitted." Linda nodded as her eyebrows furrowed intensely. I sensed the atmosphere shift, and the weight of the air pressed heavily on my chest. "And do you remember anything about that night?" She asked with the same intense tone. I thought about it. "You won't believe me..." I whispered. She tilted her head and squinted. "Try me." I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. Then I closed my eyes. When they reopened, I replied silently, "Not much... but I do remember seeing this man... with fur all around his face and arms.... and sharp teeth. He looked like something that belongs in teen wolf." She chuckled, thankfully seeing my humor. I stopped watching that show years ago, but I was all about that show when I followed it. I'm guessing she did too. But her joyful smiled suddenly faded into a dark frown. Then her interrogation continued. "Anything else?" I debated in my head for a while whether I should tell her about last night, that is... if she dosen't already know about it. "Last night..." my voice trailed off. Linda's eyes blinked from time to time as she awaited for me to continue. I finally did. "I remembered... hurting, but I couldn't scream or move...." My body shivered but not because I was cold, I was actually hot, but because of the thought of going through that. I don't think it was a dream.... it was too real to be a dream.... Tears slowly surfaced again, and Linda noticed. "Look, Ms. Shade. I can help you.... but you need to trust me first." she explained. What is she talking about? Sure, I'll trust a complete stranger! Is she kidding? "I know what you are..." she said. Then there was a long, cold pause. "Do you?" I had no fucking clue what she was talking about or why she was saying it. Maybe I'm just mad.... and I'm going even crazier and imagining all of this. Anything made better sense than this. What am I? What kind of question is that? I'm not a what.... "I'm Darien Shade." I said logically. But once I finished, Linda shook her head in disapproval. "No..." Her voice soft. "What are you?" I looked at her cautiously. Then her voice rose, "I said... What are you?!?!" She sounded like she already knew... like she knows what the answer is... "I'm Darien!" She shook her head in frustration, tightening her fists as she approached my bedside. I was already sitting up by now. "Come on, Shade!" She yelled harshly, shaking me. I stared her straight in the eyes and pushed her off. She slid across the floor but quickly got up. "I said come on!" Her tone was harsh and strong. I felt that pain again.... it was increasing by the second, spreading across my body like wildfire. My head was pounding so much. "Show me what you are!" She yelled, about to slap me. I don't know what came over me. It all happened so fast.... too fast. It was just like last night, only I remembered ever single second of it. I couldn't control myself... not at the slightest. It was like.... being controlled by someone else, you know? It scared the shit out of me! My arms grabbed hold of Linda's shoulders and shoved her in the other direction. She stayed on her feet and just eyed me intensely. "There you go..." she whispered to herself as I panted, out of breath. "That's what you are." She sounded pleased. I wondered what she meant.... but I can't focus on that right now.... I'm too busy trying to figure out how to stop this....

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