The Great 5th block Trip Around the World

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Chapter 1

The Special Visitor

                There I sat in a group with Jasmine, Chankria, and Taelor. Where I had only stared sitting for the past month or so, which Coming to think about it I kind of like it there. When Mrs. B., my 5th block teacher, came into the room with her roll chair and coffee.

                “Ok, everyone take your sets. Class has begun.” said Mrs. B. Everyone walked back to and sat in a set. Mrs. B then raised here voice and said, “Your own sets!” Everyone in the class moaned and groaned, but sat in there own sets, with sleight hesitation for everyone in the classroom.  

      “Ok, class what have you seen on the news lately.” she said. The whole class started to all talk at once, which just made her raise her voice again until everyone got quit. Then Mrs. B stood up from her stool and said, “Raise your hands!” The Leah’s hand shot up into the air like a dart onto a dart board. Mrs. B said, “Yes, Leah?” Leah said, “Like, North Korea is aiming a bomb at us.”  “Very good Leah, yes North Korea is aiming a bomb at us.” said Mrs. B.

        “How many times have I told you all that war is and will always be a bad thing? No matter what civilization you look at in the past they all end because of one of one reason: war.”, said Mrs. B.  She said, “You can ask my neighbor next door to me and he will till you war is one of the worst things in life. Me and my husband sat down with him and talked to him when he got back from the army. We asked him why he didn’t go back and service and he told us war was the worst experience in his life. He told us while he was stationed in the army this tank was on their area and he told him several times to stop, but they wouldn’t listen. And finally someone higher up told him to blow the tank up and he did. But the main point I am trying to get at is that war is awful.”

        As soon as she was done talking the intercom comes on and asks for Mrs. B to pick up. She jumps up out of her chair and starts to walk to the phone. Her and the lady on the other end of the phone talked for the longest time about random stuff until she remembered what she called for and Mrs. B said ok and hung up.

        We went on with our class taking turns reading passes from the textbook taking breaks to answer questions from our outline, but then only to end up talking about random stuff like what was her favorite color to dogs. But just to make things clear Mrs. B told us her favorite color was black, which I think, is kind of weird.

 Then suddenly around half way through class a man in a black suit walks in the door and ask if these is Mrs. B’s room and we all said yes.  We all where very surprised very little visitors come and visit us, but these mad were different. He brought with him a lot of equipment like: a tape measure, hammer, stick, and screwdriver.

        Mrs. B and he stepped out into the hall to talk so we decided to talk too. Most of our conversation was about the weird man. Some talked about how he walked, what he wore, and how he sounded like, but our conversations didn’t last long because all of a sudden we hear a loud scream come from the hallway.

         Everyone in the class got scared and Tina stood up and said, “I think that creepy man is doing something to Mrs. B our teacher.” Then she looked around and said, “Yay!” But then Leah stood up and said, “Tina that’s not nice!” Tina looked at her and screamed at her that, “It wasn’t nice when she wrote me up!” Everyone looked at Tina and said, “Well, you said you did her homework when you really didn’t!” Mrs. B came in screaming and crying with the man behind her. Tina stood up again and yelled at the man in the suit “What did you do to my favorite teacher!” The whole class looked at Tina again for the second time in the last five minutes and told her “You just said you hated her because she wrote you up for saying did her homework when you really didn’t” She turned and looked us like she didn’t know what we where talking about and proclaimed that she didn’t say that in the first place.

        Mrs. B looked at us like she was confused, which I don’t blame her I was pretty confused my self. She told us that the man didn’t hurt her in anyway but that he did make her week by telling her that she was getting a smart board and that all she had to do was pick it up in Alaska. We all looked at her like she was crazy then asked her how and when is she going to get Alaska.

        Mrs. B proclaimed, “I am going to go and get it May sixteenth, and I am taking my fifth block class with me on a road trip to all the states on the way to Alaska!” We all looked at her in wow.

        We all where so excited even Tina was. Everyone had so many questions, but all she told us was that she was going to give us all promission slips to get signed by our parents and brought back to her so that we could go.  She then made us all help the man in the suit measure the wall to get the right measures to order the smart board.

        All so excited about going on a road trip we all went home and got our promission slips signed that night. For the first time though, we all brought our promission slips back on time. All the next few days we could talk about was the road trip to all states and what we where going to do in all the states until the day of the trip and she told us about everything we needed to bring and what time to be there.

We all woke up the day of the trip ready to go. The whole class had to be there at four am to make sure we where ready to hit the road ,but we where not the only ones excited about leaving so was Mrs. B. She was the happiest teacher I have ever seen.

Before we hit the road, which was the only thing everyone was talking about, she went over the rules. Then we asked her what we where taking to drive to all the states, but then came this rusted out van that looked like it could have been a hundred years old and smelled like something I have never smelled before.

She exclaimed, “Here is what we are taking on our road trip!” We all got a good look at it and after a while we got over what it looked like as long as we went to all the states which were our many concern. So, we over the rules and then she paired us all up with someone so that we wouldn’t get lost she said. I got Tina and she wouldn’t stop calling me little country boy. After that we said good by to our parents and started talking about our seating arrangements on the on to the rolling turd, which we all decided to call it and she didn’t trust a lot of people to be able to set in the back so she told me, Tina, Ashley, and Jasmine to sit in the back.

Our road trip was about to begin when Mrs. B said that she forgot something in her classroom that was very important and that we have to go get it before we leave. So, she sent parker to get it and when he came back we all wanted to know what was in the box she made him go back and get. It turned out to be that she made him go all the way back to her classroom to go and get an over stuffed box of peanut butter for the road trip to the first state.

After she told us what was in the box we were off to the very first state of the many more to come. TENNESSEE!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2013 ⏰

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