Chapter four: Waiting

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Phil is sitting in the hospital, wating for news about Dan. He got to borrow a few clothes from the hospital, so he didn't had to go around in only boxers.

When they arrived, they told him to wait outside while they took care of him.

I'm at the hospital. Emergency with Dan. I'll fill you guys in when I get news about him. Phil's hesitates before he presses send, not sure if he should tweet this. 

After tweeting it, he puts back his phone in his pocket. Not knowing what to do, he plays with his own hands.

About an hour minutes later, muffled shouts are heard, making Phil look up. Multiple people rush through the door that comes from the ambulance, them around a strecher being rolled into the same room the went to with Dan. Two people are left: A girl and a man in a hospital uniform.

"I'm sorry, only staff can be in there, you'll have to wait here," the man says. The woman nods and sits a couple of chairs away from Phil. The girl has brown hair, all of it up in a messy bun on her head. Phil notices her crying, soft sobs coming from her as she has burried her face in her hands. Phil slowly moves to the chair next to her and places his hand on her shoulder. Her body twitches by the touch.

"Excuse me, Miss, are you okay?" he says. She looks up, her green-grey eyes meeting Phil's blue. Her eyes widen as she recognises him. Phil soon notices her familiar looks and realise who it is.

"P-Phil?" the girl says, clearly shocked. "What are you d-doing here?"

"Zoe," he says, still surprised to see her. "Um, something happened with Dan, he couldn't breathe so I had to call the ambulance. I still don't know what happened, or why," he adds. She nods, looking concerned. She has dried tears on her face, her eyes bloodshot and her hands shaking. "What about you, why're you here?"

"C-Car crash," she says, tears filling up her eyes again. "Me and Alf were driving home, we had been on a club with some friends. He had not drunk alcohol or anything, so he drove. Then, i-in a cross-over, some car drove really fast against red light and right in to us. I-it came right at us, it even drove at the wrong side of the road! Alf immediatelly covered me with his b-body. H-he saved me, risking his life for me. I don't know if he'll be fine. He had a pulse when the ambulance got there, but it was weak," she says, tears streaming down her face. "What if he dies, Phil?" she looks at him, agony in her eyes. Phil pulls her into a tight hug.

"He'll be fine, I promise," he says and she burries her face in his chest.

"Thank you, Phil" she whispers and lets go of him.

"No problem, we're basically in the same boat," he answers. She smiles at him, earning a smile back.

They look away from each other. It kind of gets awkward from there. None of them knows what to say, so they both sit next to each other, looking at their hands. Both of them let out a sigh of relief when a female doctor comes out of the door containing Alfie and Dan, 15 minutes later.

"Phil Lester?" The doctor says, searching the room with his eyes. Phil stands up, locking eyes with the doctor.

"I-Is he okay?" Phil asks, wrorry covering his face.

"Yes, he is," the woman says. "We don't know why this happened, but we think he has developed lung cancer. If he is, he's in an early stage of it. We will run a few tests on him and come back with the results soon," she says, a serious look on her face. Phil's face turns to a look of sadness and shock.

"But... What about his brain cancer?" he says, confused.

"We think that some of the cancer cells have traveled their way down to his lungs. If so, the cancer in his brain should be weaker and operateable," he answers, Phil's heart filling up with hope, his eyes turning brighter. "But-" he says, noticing the change in his eyes. "-then, we also have to treat his lung cancer as fast as possible, so the cancer spreads even more. And, the cancer infecting his lungs, may not be cancer traveling from the brain to the lungs, it might be the cancer infecting more cells, therefore making the cancer spread. If so, we'll have to treat him as soon as possible, maybe even immediatelly." Phil nods, a weight showering over his shoulders again. "We'll let you know as soon as possible," she says and start walking away, leaving Phil standing alone.

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