The Doctor Finds Rose Tyler

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The Doctor was listening to the TARDIS' groans of gears and turbines thinking about where Rose might be. She might still be at Bad Wolf Bay with the other Doctor. But the Time Vortex will put a speed bump between me and Rose separating the void.

The Doctor pulled a few levers and flipped a switch and the TARDIS groaned with fury and headed towards another dimension and stopped groaning and the Doctor stepped out, amazed. He was starring straight at Rose Tyler. He smiled and she smiled, started to cry and hugged him.

"Doctor!" She cried in exasperation. "You came back for me..." She whispered.

"Yes I said I would one day." the Doctor replied with no emotion showing. Then he thought, how does she know its me? I changed my face. "How do you recognize me?" He finally asked her, breaking the piercing silence.

"Uhm...The TARDIS is right behind you." She almost laughed.

"How do I look now?" He smiled.

"Wonderful." She did he famous tooth-in-tongue smile.


The Doctor Finds Rose TylerWhere stories live. Discover now