Interview #1 - _Purple-Girl-Vinnia_

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Interview #1 -

1. How long have you been an artist?

Since I was four.

2. Do you draw or paint? Or both?

I mostly draw. Paint isn't my strong point.

3. Paper or digital?

Both, actually. I like it on paper because it's easier, digital is fun, but it's hard to get the picture perfect.

4. Who has most strongly supported your art?

Everyone I've met. Followers, friends, family, the like.

5. What's your favorite color? (This one is kinda out of the blue)

Blood red.

6. Have you ever been in some sort of art contest? If so, how did it go?

Only in school... I've won three out of five. So... Good.

7. How often do you draw?

All the time. When I'm not roleplaying or writing that is.

8. Do you aim to be an artist when you come to choosing a profession?

Yes and no. I want to be an illustrator and an author.

9. Do you know any other artists?

Yes. Most of them are my friends or my cousins.

10. And, last question, what's the best thing you have ever drawn?

Toy Bonnie from FNAF 2. I draw him/her a LOT so it was pretty easy.

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