Interview #27 - eeveelover416

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Interview #27 -

1. How long have you been an artist?

I've been an artist for a couple of years now, 2-3. But I started posting my stuf less than a year ago.

2. Do you draw or paint? Or both?

I draw and paint, though I don't post my paintings online.

3. Paper or digital?

I draw all my stuff on paper. Digital is too easy for people to steal and copy.

4. Who has most strongly supported your art? (Family, friends, followers, etc)

My biggest influence was my best friend Kath. A lot of my style comes from her.

5. What's your favorite color? (This one is kinda out of the blue)

My favorite color is dark purple or gold.

6. Have you ever been in some sort of art contest? If so, how did it go?

Oh my gosh yes, I have competed in so many. I even tried to start one of my own, and failed. I didn't win any of the contests, but they were hella fun!

7. How often do you draw?

I draw enough to go through a stack of paper in a week and a half. I draw wherever I go. I'm at the store, I'm drawing. Going to the movies, I'm drawing.

8. Do you aim to be an artist when you come to choosing a profession?

I don't really want to take that career path... But I'm too young to decide that now lol. We'll see...

9. Do you know any other artists?

I know so many artists... But I consider only about 32.9% my friends. :3

10. And, last question, what's the best thing you have ever drawn?

Well really, when you think about it. Everything is the best I've drawn. Even the stuff from back in 6th grade because that was the best I could draw then, and this is the best I can draw now.
So yeah, pretty much everything I've drawn! That probably makes 0 sense what so ever lol!

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