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Newt's POV

My head. My shucking head hurts so much. The Flare is scary man, it's like, having an itch and you can't scratch it until you do what it is it's telling you to do. Right now it's commanding me to be with a bunch of other cranks, we're eating... Man, I don't even want to talk about it. A car whizzes past us, probably another crank. But then it stops. What? These guys never stop. Once they start they can't stop. Why would they stop? I don't know, I just go back to eating. Then I hear someone all too familiar, Tommy.
(A/N, I kinda forgot all of the details of this scene so just bear with me)
"Tommy?" I barely whisper. I'm too shocked to speak any louder.
"Newt. Newt, you okay?"
"TOMMY YOU BLOODY TRAITOR!" I scream, I can't believe he didn't read my note. Did he?
"Wh-what? Newt I'm gonna save you. Come on, we're gonna find the cure"
"There is no cure, Tommy! There was never a cure!! I can't believe you didn't read my note!"
"Newt" Tommy mumbles
I know he wants to find the cure but I get this feeling when I'm around Ratman. The feeling I get when I'm around any other cranks...
"I read it..."
I don't know why but I charge at Tommy, taking his gun from his hands. I guess he made me mad and the crank side took over.
"Newt, Newt what're you doing?"
"Tommy you have to kill me!"
"Newt wha-"
I cut him off. "If you've ever been my friend Tommy, kill me."
I feel one last sane moment and a tear rolls down my cheek.
"Please, Tommy. Please."
Thomas's start crying and I know he doesn't want to do this. But if I were in his shoes, I'd do it. No, no I wouldn't be able to. My last thought before darkness swallows me is
'Please. Oh God, please let Tommy and Minho make it out alright'

I know that SUCKED!! I just wanted to do this and like I said, I can't remember the details. I'm a loser so I had the kindle version and we had borrowed it from the library so I don't have it anymore.
This sucked. Oh well, bye!

Please don't be cranky about my terrible writing! 👋🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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