Chapter 5

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       * Summer's POV *

" I'm very sorry for disturbing you at this time, but can I please talk to the both of you " Mr . Brown said

" y-yes , come in" mother said while stuttering. Which was weird.

Mother lead us to the living room .

" Take a seat "

" Thank you ".  

He sat across  from me and mother . We sat across from he and his body guard. Why does he have one?

" I'm guessing you already know who I am? "

" Yes"

" No"

The man eyes went wide with my answer.

He looked at me

" you don't "

I shook my head

" Besides being the man who dropped coffee on me then no "

" Very  well then , I'm Zack Brown the second riches on man"

" Oh but not to be rude , why are you in my home ?"

" You see , my son Kyle he's been doing something's that heirs shouldn't do . Since he doesn't get much respect , I was thinking that he Should get a girlfriend."

" Okay ?"

" I was thinking that maybe I was wrong because many girls aren't dressing nor acting lady like , but then I bumped into you , literally. I was thinking of you summer  can be my sons pretend girlfriend "

I'm pretty sure my eyes went wide . Me ? I don't want my first boyfriend be pretend. I'm going to say no. When I was going to reply the door went open.

" Honey , we're home "



" Why are you yelling ?"

They turned around . My father went to my mother and give her a kiss on the cheek , then he went to me and kiss my forehead. Xavier , Julie, and August went to set next to me.

" Dad, Xavier, Julie , August this is Mr.brown . Mr. Brown that's my dad ,brother,and sisters."

When they saw Mr.Brown their eyes went wide . Then my father cleared his throat.

" Nice to meet you "

" Like wise "

They shook hands.
Then went Xavier , Julie , August

" As you already know I'm Zack Brown. The second riches man . I'm here to ask your daughter and sister if she would be my sons pretend girlfriend. I want my son , Kyle  , to grow out of his childish ways and start to act like a heir . Not to sound really desperate but Summer you're my only hope"

Ha like my father , brother , and sisters are going to let you . Yes , they're very protective of me since I am the youngest.

" Sir, not to be rude but she's only 16 years old . "  Cried out Xavier

" Mr. Brown , my daughter doesn't want her first boyfriend to be "pretend" , she's only 16" my father said.

" My sister wouldn't want to "date " your sons girlfriend because the only thing he has done is sleep around " said Julie and August. Doing the weird twins thing.

" I'll pay you , I'll pay you every week and month . A lot of money , but please Summer I beg you"

Damn it , he knows our weakness . No we aren't gold diggers . We  have a lot to pay , but we don't have the money . We have my other sister Amy thats in the hospital fighting for her life .

Everyone went quiet .

" Why would you offer so much money?" August said

Mr.Brown looked at her and smiled.

" Because I know she'll be a great hired girlfriend ."

  " We would like some time to think" My father said.

" Of course , here's my card . "  He gave me the card.

He then left

" What are we going to do?"

"I don't know , I don't know. It's up to Summer ."

" Mom , dad . More bills came "
Said Julie

Father cursed under his breath . I know that means he doesn't have enough money.   We don't have that much clothes . I have my answer

" I'll do it" I said

" What " They all said in unison

" I'll do it , we need the money . " I grabbed my parents hands and looked at them .

" I'll do it for us. "

" Summer if you agree . Things aren't going to be the same"

I smiled

" I know"

" Summer , his son is going to be your first boyfriend . Probably your first kiss" August said

" Hell, if he touches her he's dead" Xavier said

" I'm doing it "

" Sweetie are you sure "


" I'll call him tomorrow "

" Okay "

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