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Sitting in the bathtub, letting the water from the shower head pour down on my head reminded me a lot of the feelings I had for Dirk. He had a lot going for him. He was selling a shit ton of custom made robot parts online and making a fuck ton of money. I could never do stuff like that. I was always lesser than him. The low pressured, steaming water gave me some relief. I couldn't much about Dirk's success with the hot steam suffocating me slightly. I took in a deep breath, feeling the steam fill my lungs. I let the breath out a few seconds later. My clothes were soaked at this point, sticking to every inch of my body uncomfortably. I refused to get out now. I still need a few more minutes.

There was a loud bang on the door, someone was knocking. "Dave, don't use up all the hot water. It'll be a while before we can pay the bill." That was D. Ever since he took a break from his work, he hasn't been making ad much money as he would like and I of course had to be staying with him and Dirk for the school season this year. Shared parenting Bro called it. I sighed, leaning out of the bathtub slightly. "Sure sure." I listened for his footsteps to descend down the hall. I leaned back in the shower, turning the lever from hot to warm. As long as I don't use all the hot water things would be fine.


"Dave sure has been in the shower a long time hasn't he?" D walked by the dining room door. "So?" I asked, without looking up from my sketch book. I was working on a new robot and I needed to concentrate. It was also an excuse to stop thinking about Dave's success. He did an amazing job at writing and drawing. His web comic, Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, had over a million views and people were always asking for more pages. Plus his blog was very popular. "So, you're his brother. Don't you think you should be checking up on him." I rolled my eyes. D's logic was faulty. "You're his brother too. And I'm not his keeper. He can handle himself." 2x3 and a quarter, I wrote the numbers down. D dat down next to me. "Are you sure this isn't about something else. You'd normally be all over the idea of messing with Dave while he's in the shower. Y'know, throwing ice at him flushing the toilet and shit. Baby stuff, but still." I shook my head. "I have more important things to do. Sawtooth needs new parts and I have an order to complete by three today. I can't be all over Dave at the moment." He sighed, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Dave really needs you." I looked up at him. "How do you know that?" What is he pulling at? "I think the kid is suffering from separation anxiety. I mean he only gets to see you so many times a year. This is the first time in time in two years that he gets to stay with us for the year. The kid just turned 15, he's going through puberty and it's only going to get worse. You need to be there for him, show him the ropes, get him out of this funk. It's you're job as his older brother to..." I interrupted him. "Okay, okay. I get it. I'll go see what's going on. Just stop talking about puberty."

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