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While Dirk was downstairs, I changed into the clothes he picked out for me and I snuck into his room to find one of his notebooks. When I found one I took back into my room. I wanted to see what sketches he had made so far. I flipped through the pages, most of which were full. Robot after robot, doodle after doodle. They were perfect. Each and every one of them. Dirk did an amazing job. No wonder so many people wanted special made parts from him. He was just that good.

I flipped through all the pages, staring at each line and detail. Man, why couldn't I be this great. All my drawings were shitty. And his were perfect. He didn't mess up anything. I sighed, sliding down into my bed. I could feel my eyes getting heavy as I flipped through more pages. The more I looked the sleepier I felt. I eventually pushed the notebook aside, leaving my page open. I pulled my blanket over me and closed my eyes, falling asleep.


I went back upstairs, slightly pissed at what D said. I was only slightly jealous of Dave and not interested in him in the slightest. That would be creepy. I mean, I kinda grew up with the kid. I walked into Dave's room. I was glad that D kept it the way it was when Dave used to live here permanently. "Here Dave. I got you..." My voice trailed off as I saw him. He was asleep underneath his covers. I went over to the side of his bed. I placed the cup down on the bedside table. I looked over at him. Sitting in that shower must've worn him out. Poor kid. I went to adjust his cover when I noticed a book lying next to him. Was that one of my notebooks? Why was it in here? Was he reading it? Why was he reading it? I smiled slightly. It made me happy that Dave was taking an interest in what I did. I still didn't feel that good about it, since he still did amazing things but this gave me some hope. I picked the notebook up and moved it to the table, saving Dave's place with a piece of string from the floor. I quietly left his room, closing the door behind me.

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