Part 5

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Graces point of view~
I woke up to to a ringing in my head. I closed my eyes in pain and stumbled to the kitchen hoping to find some pain killers. Roy walked in with a bag and he looked surprised to see me up so early then reach into his bag and grabbed out a bottle of ibuprofen. I took out three pills and sat them down to go get a glass of water. Roy walks over and says "you'll need something to eat with those or they'll give you a stomach ach." I roll my eyes and I take a swig of water and I down the pills. Roy stomps to the fridge and takes out a pre made sandwich and hands it to me. "Eat it."He objectively states. I roll my eyes and I take a bite from the sandwich. "sorry that I haven't been eating that much lately I just haven't been really hungry. It isn't out of stubbornness or to diet, I just forget to I guess." Roy nods and gets out his phone. "These ass holes are blowing up my pone about you." I look at him surprised "why are they doing that??" Roy huffs and reply's back to the multiple text messages he's been receiving on his phone. "Do you not remember what happened last night?" I nod my head "but it's none of their business Courtney I understand after seeing me spew mainly water all over the bathroom. Roy nods understandingly. I hear a knock at the door and Adore walks in. Adore walks over to me and sits by me and puts her arms around my shoulders and hugs me reassuringly. It felt heart warming it felt like she actually cared, like I actually mattered. It reminded me of the way my mom used to hug me. I could feel the tears pour out and me being me hating people seeing me cry. I quickly walk into my room and I shut the door behind me and I put my head into my pillow and I start and bawl my eyes out. Adore walks in behind me and rubs my back. "Did I do something??" I cry out "Noo."
Roys point of view~
Adore walks out of Gracies room with a worried look on her face. "Shes like really crying like scream crying. Did I do something?" Roy shakes his head. "I think it's because of her mother. This is the first time she's really cried since then, I was starting to get worried, I mean her mom did pass away the girls aloud to cry." Adore nods "should I go comfort her or something?" I nod and Adore walks back into Gracies room.
Graces point of view~
I hear the door open and I try to calm down but the tears just keep on pouring out. I start to hyperventilate then I feel the same warm arms wrap around me and I begin to sob even harder. I turn around and I hug her really hard and I hide my mascara stained tears in her chest. I try to calmly apologize but I end up sobbing loudly "I'm sorry!" into her chest Roy walks in and motions Adore out and she steps out side readjusting the tank top I unknowingly stained. I hide my face in my hands hoping Roy didn't see my stained cheeks. "I hate crying in front of people too don't worry." He  reaches over and lifts me into his arms and I hide my face in his chest grabbing onto his shirt and I continue to sob. "Gosh you cry just like your mother, nothing at all then it's Niagara falls for the next hour." I pound my fist into his chest out of anger. "I know I know uncalled for, I was just trying to lighten the mood." 
 Roys point of view~
Gracie stopped crying for a while and I kept holding her. She ended up falling asleep in my arms I don't blame her she must be tired from crying that much. I lay back on her bed to make sure she isn't disturbed I don't wanna wake her up. I cover us both up with the blue blanket and I end up drifting to sleep.
Adores point of view~
I peak into Gracies room and I see that both of them are fast asleep. I look and see that Gracie nuzzles into Roys chest. She seems so perfect even with makeup running down her rosy red cheeks. I step back out of surprise did I just say that about a girl? I'm gay what the Hell. I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and I jump back terrified and I end up crashing into Courtney. "Whoa there!!" Courtney shouts I put my hands to her mouth. "Shut up their sleeping!" Courtney rolls her eyes "So? Do you have a fetish for watching people sleep or something?" I rolls my eyes. "No but I  do have a fetish to not disturb people in their own houses." Courtney remembering Adore isn't in drag so she isn't loud and annoying as usual. Roy wakes up and shifts under Gracie so shes not disturbed and slowly walks out and closes the door behind him. He turns around to Courtney and I sitting on his couch. He rolls his eyes and walks over and sits next to us. "Haven't you two ever heard of calling before randomly showing up at someone's house?" "Haven't you heard of answering the phone?" Roy looks down at his phone to ten missed calls. "Oops" switching his phone out of silent. "So what happened in the back of the club last night? that's what I wanna know." Courtney asks Roy rolls his eyes and my ears perk up even though I wasn't apart of this. I'm very curious. Roy explains that Gracie could've been raped if he hadn't shown up and knock some sense into this jackasses head. My chest fills with anger after hearing that I can't even bare hearing someone putting their hands on Gracie in that way. "What the that's messed up!" I shout Courtney and Roy look at me suspiciously. "Shut your trap mermaid." Roys yells breaking the tension. Gracie opens her door rubbing her eyes and stares at us confused as Hell. "What are you doing here?" She says to Courtney. "I'm just here to speak with your uncle Roy that's all." Gracie cocks an attitude and says. "About me I'm guessing after the incident last night." Courtney nods. Gracie stumbles over to the kitchen sink and grabs a glass of water and stats to chug it.
Graces point of view~
I look over to see Adore,Roy and Courtney sitting on the couch I walk over and I plop in between Roy and Adore slightly sitting on Adores lap. Adore tenses up. "He's Gay why would he tense up about a girl? " I think to myself. I roll my eyes and I sit towards Roy giving Adore a cold shoulder after pulling that bullshit. Roy puts is arm around me and squeezes my shoulder after he notices me scooting closer to him. Adore huffs and crosses his arms. Roy notices and looks over at Adore. "What you mad that my niece would rather sit closer to me than to you? Grow up." Adore shakes her head and stomps out the door I take Adores seat and lay my head on Roys shoulder while his arm is still resting around my shoulders.

(Yes I know Adores extremely Gay this was a random choice. Deal with it. I may or my not extend Adores small thing for Grace. I don't know I do things at random when I write on here. Gives me a creative outlet.)

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