Jane's POV

I gasped. I didn't even think there was a slenders mansion. Clocky walked towards the door.

"You comin'?" She asked. I nodded and followed her inside. It wasn't to bad for a mansion in the woods.

"HEY GUYS LISTEN UP." Clocky started screAming. Slender walked down stairs with eyeless jack. So. Many.pastas.

" what do you want clocky its like...." eyeless jack looked at his watch. "4 IN THE FRICK FRACKIN MORNING."

"Jack shut up" clocks rolled her eyes. SLENDY stepped in.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP" he yelled as it echoed through the mansion. I stayed behind clocks.

"Well for those of you who are awake. I found a new pasta." She pushed me out from behind her and I slightly waved.

Slender walked up to me. "Jane?" I nodded.

"Well this is my mansion and I will gladly escort you to your room" he said. Clocky followed me.

"Here we are." Slender gestured to the door. "Youll meet the others in the morning night."

"Technically it is morning" Clocky said waving her knife in the air but slender ignored her comment and kept walking.

"He seems nice." I said.

"Pffff that's because your new. Slendy loves new girls wink wink." Clocky laughed at her own comment. I stared at her for a moment with a what the Fuck look on my face.

"I thought it was funny" she mumbled. "Well ima go to bed night Jane."

"Night" I called after her. I laid in bed. It's been awhile since I've actually gotten sleep. I felt like I was.....Home here. And I've only been here what? 20 minutes? I slowly drifted off drowning in my thoughts.


I woke up the next morning with the smell of waffles curling up my nose. I quickly got out of bed throwing on my black hoodie and a pair of sweats and rushed downstairs. I stopped a minute to smell the air.

"Mmmm waffles." When your out killing you don't get these type of pleasures, Aka waffles. Clocky grabbed my hand leading me into the kitchen and sat me down at the table.

"Tobys making....waffffles" she giggled. "Toby makes the best waffles"

"They smell delicious." I yawned setting my head in my arms on the table.

"The other pastas probably will be waking up soon. Sleep almost all day." Toby said setting a plate of waffles onto the table.

"Wait. What time is it?" I asked.

"12:45" Clocky told me before grabbing a plate and putting four waffles on it. I grabbed a plate also putting a few waffles on my plate. Toby sat down across from Clocky and I digging into his waffles.

"Smo. Mhow mid goo buys peet?" He managed to get out without a mouthful of waffles spitting everywhere.

"Bumped into her while she was killing" I said before taking another bite of my waffle. He nodded. We sat in silence for awhile until there was a big commotion competing down the stairs.

"And let hell begin" Toby mumbled to himself. I looked by the stairs. There was eyeless jack and Ben drowned arguing about who's tooth brush was whos, hoodie and Masky were holding hands, slender was carrying sally, and then there was laughing Jack talking to...Wait....it wasn't..it couldn't be Jeff? It was oh meh gawd. I quickly sat back down at the table.

"You all right ?" Clocky asked me. I didn't say anything. It took her a minute before she nodded. "Ohhhhh jeff. Yea give me a minute ima go talk to slendy." Clocky got up and left to talk to slendy. Toby got up also and went upstairs. I awkwardly sat at the table suddenly losing my appetite.

I went to get up but was quickly stopped by ej (eyeless jack).

"Sit down for a minute Jane" he told me mentioning for me to sit down witch I Did. Suddenly he got up on the table and started talking.

"Gooood MORNING PASSSTASSS OF SLEEEENNNNDERS MANNSION. TODAY WE ARE WELCOMING A NEW PASTA.....JANNNNEEEE" ej yelled like he was a game show host. But after he did all that everyone looked at me and I started blushing. Ej jumped off and sat next to me.

Everyone kinda ignored ej and introduced themself. I looked around for Jeff while everyone said there names but Jeff w as no where to be found.

Just then SLENDY and Clocky motioned for me to come over where they were. I quickly excused myself and walked up to them.

"So I was talking to slendy about you and Jeff and-" just then slender cut her off.

" Try not to murder him ok? We will kick you out of the cp mansion and I would gladly kill you" slender walked to the table with Sally.

"Whats his problem jeez?" I made annoyed on this while situation.

"Hes just thinks of us as his...children. messed up dysfunctional family and I guess that's what the mansion is." Clocky replied walking away from me to witch left me no choice but to follow her. I sat back down at the table in between Clocky and ej.


I finished eating and went "exploring" around the house for a bit. I was walking down the hall when I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up from my phone to see it was Jeff. Anger humbled up inside me when I saw that face. After he stood there for a minute I glared at him.

" what do YOU want" I hissed. He put his hands in hi pockets.

"Nice to see you again" he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. You kinda RUINED my life so why don't you go ruin someone else's too" I went around him and kept walking. I didn't have to look back to know that he was staring at me."

Clocky walked passed Jeff. "Ooooooo rejecttiooooon" she laughed and caught up with me.

"Hey Jane you should really try socializing with the other pastas" she told me.

"I will just not right this moment. You know how good it feels to be able to actually sleep?" I walked into my room collapsing on the bed.

She giggled. "Whatever well ill be down stairs if you need anything".


I woke up to a startling bumping noise. I jolted up.

"Who the fucks there? Clocky?" I looked around trying to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness. "Clocky this isn't funny."

Out of no where a guy in a black hoodie jumped onto my bed and yelled something at me.

"JANE WAKE UPPP" he yelled. It was ej.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?" I looked at him with tired eyes. "I'm tireed"

"But I'm not" he said looking serious. "I wanna talks to you. Get to know the new girl."

"Bro do you like me or something?" I asked. "Cause I mean you sat by me at breakfast and-" he cut me off.

"Two things. One) just because someone sits by you and hangs out with you doesn't mean they like you. Two) I just wanna be friends and gossip about other pastas. Like oh m g. Did you see slendys tux? Like sooooo last season."

I laughed at the last part.

He looked at me "what?" He leaned over and whispered in my ear. "We all know it's true. That tux needs to go"

I burst out laughing. "J-jack..th-thats gre-great" I said between laughs. He smiled.

"Wow first smile I've seen outta you. You ok? You seem down? Is it Jeff? It is. And the no kill policy of slendys palace?. It is. Sorry girlie that's how things work here."

I stopped laughing. I went completely silent.

"Well ima go to bed ill see you in the morning jane"

That night something kept me awake. I couldn't sleep. What was wrong with me. I tossed and turned and eventually drifted off to sleep.

Jeff the killer x JaneWhere stories live. Discover now