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---Riyana's POV---

**A few days later**

I had been so caught up in work for the past weeks. These cases are just impossible to get everything done within a week or so. Abduction cases need so much information, but the thing that takes the most of our time is finding out why the criminals did what they did. What was the reason behind it?

"Hey, I found some details that we can use,"my co-worker said.

"Let me see what you have," I said.

She gave me the folder and I looked through it.

"Who's going to argue this case?" I questioned.

There was a group of us who were finding details but only one person would be fighting it.

"I am,"someone said.

"Okay, come over here,"I said.

I went over the details with him and how he could use certain parts during a certain time.

"You have to be really careful with the rebuttals of your opponent,"I said.

"I will,"he replied.

"If we prove this to be true, you can win the case,"I said.

"Perfect,"he said.

We worked a bit more and decided to call it a day.

I wonder what everyone else has been up to these days. It's been weeks since I was able to talk to one of them.

On my walk phone home I got a text from Waqas asking if I was free and I replied with a yes.

He texted back saying see you in a few minutes.

Okay, that's strange. I got home and switched into PJs. I was so tired that i just wanted to sleep, but now I'm stuck here waiting. I wonder what he needs to talk to me about. I knew by now that Atif and Fiza were dating, thanks to Tannu, so it can't be that. Oh well, I'll just wait.

A few minutes later the doorbell rang and I went to get it.

"Hey, come on in "I said.

We both sat down.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"Not much. What about you? You haven't been around any event for several weeks,"he said.

"It's the case we have right now. It's an abduction case. We have to find out so much details as to why someone would do something like this, therfore it takes a lot of time and that's why I haven't been around you guys,"I said.

"Oh interesting,"he said.

"The case?" I questioned.

"Ya, I didn't know abduction cases go to court. I thought that the police deal with everything,"he said.

"I wish it was that easy,"I said.

"You would've had a break,"he said.

"For reals,"I said.

"If you aren't fighting it, then why you are so busy with it?" He asked.

"Who told you I'm not fighting it?"I asked.

"Because if you were fighting it, you would have said it, but instead you said that your helping,"he said.

"Oh,"I said.

"Anyways, there's something I really need to talk to you about,"he said.

"Bolo,"I said.

"I don't want us to be friends anymore,"he said.

WOAH!! WHAT?? Okay, that's definitely some news.

"Can I ask why?" I questioned.

"Because I want us to be more than friends,"he said.

"As in?" I asked.

"As I want to know if you'll be my girlfriend and not my friend,"he said.

Seriously? Shock after shock.

"Will you?" He asked.

Not gonna lie, I had developed some feelings for him but decided to keep it under wraps being that I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

"I will,"I said.

"Seriously?" He asked.

"Ya, I'm very serious,"I said.

-----Shehry's POV----

We had some people who were my parent's friends over for dinner today.

Their kids were really chill and easy to get along with. It was pretty fun to hang out with them.

We were all sitting at the dinner table eating and everyone had different conversations going on.

I was sitting the closest to mom and heard her mention something about kids, so I started paying attention to her conversation and left the one that Hussain, me and one of the kids of my parents friend had going on.

She was talking about grandkids. Oh oh.

"Excuse me," Tannu said and left the table.

Shoot, she heard their conversation. Out of all the ones that were going on, she just had to here this one.

After everyone was gone I decided to talk to mom in private about this issue. I told her everything.

"So I think it's important for you to know that,"I said.

"It is important. Thanks for letting me know,"she said.

"It's okay,"I said and left.

Let's just hope that she has no problem with it.

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