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---Shehry's POV---

"Hussain!!!" I yelled.

"Dude stop yelling, I'm right here,"he said.

"Do you have my phone?" I asked.

"No, I have my own,"he said.

I went to ask Maha and she said no aa well.

"This is why you should keep your room clean," Hussain said.

"My wife is in the hospital and your worried about my messy room?" I questioned.

"Sorry,"he said.

Where in the world did I put it? I know I brought it home. I was using it here.

Looks like I just might have to clean this place up in order to find it.

Hussain's phone went off and I realized that I should tell him to call my phone.

Why did I think of that earlier?

"Okay, I'll let him know. He's going crazy looking for it,"Hussain said and hung up the phone.

"Who was that? Where's my phone?"He asked.

"I have some news that's more important than your phone. It's about Tannu bhabi,"he said.

"Sain, what happen?"I asked a bit scared since he turned serious.

"She's awake,"he said.

Dude, I had a heart attack almost!!

"Seriously?" I asked.

"No, I'm joking,"he said sarcastically.

"That's awesome!!"I said. "Thank you God!!"

"Arushi called saying that she's awake and called your phone but mom picked up,"he said and I froze.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Mom picked up?"I asked and he nodded.

"Sh*t!! We have to get there before she does,"I said running out of the house.

Hussain had to stay behind to watch Maha.

I parked at the hospital and ran inside.

Please don't be to late, I thought to myself.

"Hey,"I said.

"Hi,"she said.

Good at least she's still talking to me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Still some pain, but way better than before,"she said.

"Pain? Should I get a doctor?" I asked.

"No need,"she said.

"You sure?"I asked.

"Ya,"she said.

"So what are you doing here?" She asked.

Now that suprised me.

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"I mean shouldn't you be taking care of some paperwork,"she said.

Sh*t!! Sh*t!!! Sh*t!!! I forgot the papers here. Oh my God, I hope she didn't see them.

"What paperwork?"I asked.

"Shehry, I know you signed divorce papers,"she said.

Oh my God!! She did see them.

"I'm not going to hold you back. I heard you and the guys talking about everything. And I've signed the papers as well. Your mom has taken them to be filed,"she said.

"Listen to me. I never signed anything. I don't know what you heard but I never said anything about wanting to spilt from you,"I said.

"Actions speak louder than words,"she said. "Those papers were signed. Clearly, that was your signature."

"But it wasn't me,"I said.

"Stop please,"she said.

I did stop talking. Not because I couldn't defend myself but because I didn't want her to feel pain or stress. Which she probably did.

"Shehry, can I say something?" She asked.

"Sure,"I said.

"Now that I think about it, I wish I never had met you, because you were what real love was and I thought I had it. You taught me how to love myself and we almost knew true love was, but almost is never enough. I fell in love with the fact that you were everything I prayed for. All I know is that you were the boy I stayed up all night thinking about,"she said.

How could she say that? Wish we never met? How can she even think that?

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