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"Hurry up!" Liam whisper yells to me as I walk away from them to the outside of the room that holds a large bar and a fridge, with tons of different and exotic types alcohol in it. My target basically.

I want to yell at him, because I've told him over and over, I won't get caught.

I walk quietly around the bar counter, and I open the fridge, seeing the prized possession. I grab a couple cases of the Budweiser and I shut the door with my hip. Walking back to the door. I bump the door with my hip to open it, and it opens for me revealing Harry, standing outside between Niall and Liam. Liam looks like he could throw up any minute and Niall looks as excited as an Irish should for beer. Harry looks smug, as he eyes the white and blue themed cases in my hand.

"Alright boys, let's go!" I hold up the beers in my hand and begin walking to the stairs.

The dim lit hallway giving me a sense of comfort as I walk up the stairs, the others walking after me.

It's around 12 in the night.

After having dinner Harry so graciously made for us, which by the way was amazing, we all went to my room, deciding to not worry about sleeping arrangements till we are actually going to sleep.

So basically for 4 hours we just hung out, doing nothing, anticipating this moment like crazy.

We walk the long way up the 3 floors, and we finally make it to the room leading up to the pool.

"Niall check for me," I order, setting the beers down on the floor as I motion my head to the stairs leading to the door out onto the roof pool. He nods, before jogging up the stairs and stepping out of sight.

"I can't believe we're doing this." I look at Liam and smile.

"I can," a smirk changes my features, as I look at Harry while he chews a piece of gum.

"Harry? How you feeling?" I ask.

He shrugs and smiles as he continues to chew his gum, he shifts legs as he clasps his hands behind his back, his fringe staying put as he tilts his head to the side with the shrug.

"Buzzed," he comments. I nod my head, scanning his posture.

"Good, good." I sort of mumble, as I look back at the door in time to see Niall poke his head in.

"Clear?" I ask, bending down to pick up the beer.

He nods excitedly, "Yeah, come on!"

I laugh "Alright Nialler calm your tits." I step up the steps and past Niall who's holding the door open.

I walk to the table with an umbrella over it, and set the beers down. I turn around to look at the boys, scanning over the blue colored pool. I turn back around to see the Jacuzzi beside the pool, big enough to fit at least ten people, the water bubbling as the steam rises.

"We didn't bring any swimwear." Liam comments, a panicked expression coming across his face rather quickly

"What are we going to do? We can't just go back down there, we risk getting caught! Oh no oh no!" he starts pacing, eyes wide as he breaths quickly. I groan, "Liam, mate, we aren't ten years old! It's called skinny dipping!" I cease him in his annoying pace.

"Wait, ewe, with boys!?" my eyes widen at his choice of words, I raise an eyebrow.

"We're your mates, man, don't think of it like that." I say, slightly hurt and offended.

He looks to me, "Oh mate I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, just, what if we um, see, each other's, um, you know..." he trails awkwardly.

"We'll be in the Jacuzzi. The steamy water and bubbles will keep us hidden." Harry adds.

The Presidents  Son - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now