Chapter 1.

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The day my parents died I was taken to live with my uncle. He is a man that any politician would want to be and any man under him feared him. The Parliament was greatful for him and the Queen loved him like a son. I on the other hand never undstood him and his views on the people. He tells me anyone who doesn't work with the Parliament has no business with it and should stay in line like everyone else. I always hated the way he thinks. I wish we all lived in a fare government where one could think for his or her own, but sadly doubt that could ever happen. Besides, I am a woman. People like me don't have much of a say in anything, especially who we marry. My uncle found me a nice politician in his mid 30s and has a nice smile. Is he a good match? Yes. Is he the one for me? Oh bloody hell no! I would rather die than marry him. I wish I could leave this place and live the life I want to live.

"Evey, dear?"

Today, November 5th, 1855.

"Evey! Come here now. I have a surprise for you."

"Coming uncle!"

He always uses that line to get me to come to him. I don't go to him because I believe he has something for me. I want to know what he wants from me this time.

"Ah! My dear Evey. You look as beautiful as ever."

"Thank you, uncle."

"I have something that you have been dying to have for a real long time."

"And that would be, uncle?"

"Tickets to the theater."

"Oh, thank you uncle!" I never thought he would ever give me anything.

"But I'm not going with you. Mr. Carter is going with you."


"I know you don't like him, but at least give him a chance. He at least deserve that much."


"I'll tell him right away."

My uncle is right. I should give the man a chance, even though he's such a bore. I wonder what the theater is playing tonight?

"Tonight, we are playing Count of Monte Cristo. A man wanting revenge from another man who did him wrong. He took everything way from him, including his beloved."

"Ah! A romance filled with adventure and action at every turn. I love this story." Said Evey with so much joy. This story is the life she wants to live. But it's only a dream. You can only have that if you lived in a fairytale world where everything is written for you. Even the idea living in a life like that sounds like a dictatorship.

"Seriously? I think this story is bit overwritten and poorly well put together." Said Mr. Carter.

"You only say that because your always busy with politics that you never have time to read a good novel."

"I'm quite impressed Miss Hammond. I never thought woman like you could ever exist. I think we're going to make a great couple."

A great couple he says. It sounds more like a great disaster to me.

The lights turn off. Before the music was about to play. A hand covers my face and grabs me. I couldn't even manage to scream. The man takes me to an alleyway that is covered in darkness and that is cold from the November breeze. The man let's go of me to reveal another man. The men both look confused.

"You're not Mr. Carter. You're woman!" Said one of them incomplete shock.

"Yes, I know I'm a woman and what do you want with Mr. Carter?"

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