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Tommie's POV

"Quit staring, you creep," Ian said, hitting my arm.

"Shut up, you were staring at her earlier," I replied, moving up in the line.

We had decided to come to the waterpark on a Saturday, which was a mistake. We'd been in this line for thirty minutes already and we were only halfway up the tower.

"Dude, I'm done waiting in this line. Wanna go to the wave pool?" Ian asked, I didn't really care at this point. I was starting to get sun burnt.

Ian had been my best friend since sixth grade when he got sent to the principals office for talking back to a teacher. Of course he argued back and I laughed from the waiting area. Our eyes met and he's had this weird man crush on me ever since, at least that's what it looks like.

We got out of line and went to the wave pool. Ian grabbed an inner tube and swam ahead with it. He swam to the area that was six feet deep.

"Dude, you can't even stand over there!" I yelled from the shallow end. He didn't hear me, of course, so I swam forward. I caught up to him and held onto the side of his tube as the waves kicked back on.

Suddenly, a tall, somewhat older guy swam past us, pulling a girl behind him in a tube.The girl looked like a child compared to the guy she was with, but she looked our age. She struggled to get out of the tube but the guy wouldn't let her.

"Max, let me out! I told you I didn't want to go this far!" She yelled, swallowing water when the waves pulled her under.

Ian had no idea what was happening (he was probably staring at some lifeguard). The girl ducked under her tube and tried to swim away, but Max grabbed her ankle and yanked her toward him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Max yelled grabbing her arm, which looked painful, and punched her in the mouth. Blood fell down her chin and tears rolled down her cheeks. Max forcefully pushed her underwater and held her there .He pulled her back up as the waves grew stronger. He punched her in the stomach and pushed her underwater once more.

"Hey man, where are you going?" Ian asked as I hopped out of my tube and quickly swam over to Max and the girl. She was bleeding in several different places and was struggling to breathe. Ian noticed what was happening and jumped off of his tube. He pulled Max away from her so I could grab her and get her out of the way.

I pulled her to the shallow area of the pool. She choked on water and blood and coughed it into the water. Two lifeguards finally noticed and quickly ran over to us. They asked what happened and pushed me out of the way.

"Her boyfriend was practically trying to kill her in the deep end." I explained pointing to where Ian and Max had been fighting. The other lifeguard blew her whistle and the lifeguard closest to Ian and Max jumped into the water to break up the fight.

The two lifeguards pulled the girl out of the water and onto the concrete where they began to help her breathe. Another called an ambulance.

"Dude, let's get out of here," Ian said. We grabbed our stuff and headed towards the parking lot.


"That was crazy! Did you see me punch him in the eye? That was the hardest I think I've ever hit someone!" Ian was thrilled as I focused on the road ahead of me.

"I was busy trying to save that girl if you hadn't noticed," I muttered, tightening my grip on the steering wheel, "I wish you could be serious for once." I turned down Ian's street.

"I am being serious," Ian argued, "seriously awesome!" I rolled my eyes.

"Get out," we had reached his house and I was tired of him, "you're so annoying."

"Whatever man, I'll text you tomorrow." The car door slammed shut. I drove off as soon as his foot hit the sidewalk. I wanted to be alone.

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