A/N OMG I swear that if Bradley Hemmings was a real person he would be the hottest, cutest, sweetest thing ever! And Kobi would be fucking hot! God, he would seem like a bit of a dickhead. But is actually the sweetest thing in the fucking universe! Omg, help me! I'm fangirling over characters that I made up. Yep, I definitely need help! Haha, anyway. Please enjoy this update. I'm sorry for not updating in ages. I've had things going on lately (serious things). And I need to find some more time to update. Sorry ...

Kobi's P.O.V: 

*beep beep beep beep* sounds my annoying alarm. I slowly open my eyes only to be blinded by the blasted light shining through the curtains. 

I roll over and open my eyes again, after a while I roll to the other side and check my phone.

New message from: Becca xxx 

I furrow my eyebrows, unlocking my phone and checking my messages. 

From Becca: Uh....um....

Shit! I start freaking out seeing as I ACTUALLY sent the message saying goodnight. 

(Recap: The message said "night sweetie, love you xx") 

I never in a million years thought that I would send that to her. And now I have. And IT WASN'T EVEN INTENTIONAL!

I sigh, walking out of my room, my phone in my hand. This is going to take a lot of explaining. 

"Kobi Irwin!" My mother says to me, her hands on her hips. I think she was attempting to be sassy. It really wasn't working for her.  

"Yes mother." I say, already getting annoyed by her. 

"You like Becca don't you?" She asks, a childish smile playing on her hips. Dad spits out his coffee and looks at me.

"WHAT?" He exclaims.

I sigh, "What makes you ask that?" I question, crossing my arms and pretending to be confused. 

"Oh Kobi, don't play stupid. I know about the message that you sent to Becca. She told Mr Hood a-" I cut her off.

"Calum." I say rolling my eyes. 

"Anyway." She says abruptly. "And then Mr Hood told me, and now I know. Well, to be frank with you, I already knew that you liked her. You always made it really obvious." 

"Why has no-one told me anything?" Dad asks suddenly. 

"Shh, Ashton. Come on. Everyone knows that  you wouldn't be able to keep your big mouth shut." She says with a giggle. 

"Oh Taylor, look who's talking." Dad says crossing his arms over his chest, smirking. 

Mum rolls her eyes. "Regardless..." 

"Look, so what if I like Becca. She will never like me. I know that she won't. She's fucking perfect. And I'm so far from it. She deserves someone who will always be there for her. She deserves the best. I'm going to die alone." I say before running back up to my room. I slam my door shut, and lock it. 

I walk over to my bed and pull out the photo album from under my bed. 

That album is filled with pictures of Becca and me. I can't help but laugh at some of the pictures. 

There are a few pictures from when we were really little. 

There were some from when we were young teens. 

But more than anything there are ones from more recently.

Most of those pictures being selfies. But oh well.

There was one picture. One of my favourite in all honesty.

It's the picture where I had lifted her up and onto my shoulders when we were in the city.

She was wearing a black crop top, black ripped skinny jeans, black vans, a bogan shirt (flannelette) and a white flower crown. She looked beautiful. She was laughing in the picture and as was I. 

I'm going to miss those days, stupid me. I went and fucked them up. Just like I fuck everything else up. No wonder I've never been in a stable relationship. 

(This next bit might be a trigger for some.)

I then bend down and look underneath my bed and find my blade. 

I had promised Becca that I had gotten rid of it and would never use it again. I had kept that promise, for 10 weeks! 

Oh well, there is no harm in letting her down now. I've gone and stuffed everything up anyway. She wouldn't care.

Quickly, I remove my bracelets.

I take the blade in my hand and bring it to my wrist, I then press it down before sliding it across my already scared skin. 

Fuck up.







Then I threw my blade across the ground. I quickly stand up and wash my wrist in the bathroom which is connected to my bedroom. 

I then put my bracelets on again. I don't want anyone else to realise the scars. 

I flop onto my bed and cry. 

How I wish that she loved me.


Hey guys, I'm so sorry about the lateness of this update. And I'm sorry that it is so short. But as I said earlier I've had some stuff going on lately and I haven't been able to update. I really hope that you guys liked this update. I am sorry about the cutting scene, but it is going to add to the book, I promise. I love you all and thank you for reading this book xx

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