Chapter two

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It was the end of the day and I still couldn't get that person off my mind. I went to go get my bike when I  saw him again, "Who are you?" I called out to him.
No reply.
"Answer me for God's sake!"
He started walking twords me.
That's when I noticed his never blinking eyes and perminant smile, "What are you...?" I asked and took one step back, he took one step forwards. I backed into a wall while he continued walking towrds me, "... I am... your worst nightmare."
He pulled out a knife from his hoodie pocket, "Now... you be a good girl and.... Go.To.Sleep!"
He ran at me, aiming the knife for my throat. He was just inches away from me, that's when I ducked and kicked his stomach, making him caugh up a little bit of blood, "You're not as bad as Slendy said, I'm Jeff, Jeff the killer, to be exact." He finally answered my question from earlier.
"Hello? Anyone in there?" he asked while waving his pale hand in front of my face, "Oh, sorry! I zone out when I'm thinking, sometimes." I informed him as I scratched the back of my neck akwardly.
"You're coming with me." He said simply, pulling me twords the forest by my school.
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere you should be welcomed." a new voice answered this time. I turned around to face a man with no face, black suit, dark red tie and tendrils coming from his back, "Hello, child. I am Slenderman, but you may call me Slender." the faceless man spoke.
"H-how did you...? You have no mouth...?" I was definetely confused.
"Telepathy, child. Now, are you willing to come with us, or do we have to kill you? We cannot have humans knowing about us."
'God, it's kill or be killed these days, isn't it?' "I'll go with you... on one condition."
"And that is?" they asked at the same time.
"You let me watch anime."
"Anime? Seriously?" they asked in union.
"Yes, seriously. Anime is my life right now!"
Jeff sighed, "I'll get you any anime you want but first-" "Lemme take a selfie!" I interupted  him, ending his sentence with 'lyrics' from '#Selfie'. "No, what I was going to say is once you have your room layout, design ect, I will take you to HMV and any other shops that sell anime. Okay?" I thought about it for a minute before replying, "Alrighty! Let's get going already! I wanna go to HMV!"
Slenderman teleported us to his mansion which looked creepy, yet awesome. Slender told Jeff to show me to my room, he groaned but then agreed because Slender promised him he'd get new knives afterwoards.

Jeff the killer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now