Chater 1 Prolouge

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-Louis walks downstairs and sits down after his toast pops up and he eats it-
Louis's mom: Louis you are 18 you need to get a job and an apartment sometime soon.
Louis: I know I am trying to get a job.
Mom: While you take the dog on a walk can you look for a job?
Louis: Ok.
-Louis grabs the dogs leash-
Louis: Let's go Oreo!
-He attaches the dogs leash to his collar and walks around the neighbourhood for about 15 minutes and then he walks past the high school-
Louis: Oh a job opening!
-He looks at a piece of paper that says job opening as a foot ball coach.
Louis: Well I have experience so that should be good enough.
-He runs Oreo back home and then calls the number it said on the paper-
Principal: Hello.
Louis: Hello my name is Louis Tomlinson. I was calling to apply for the football job I just graduated and I have experience.
Principal: You got the job you start next week and the kids will get to meet you.
Louis: Ok thank you sir.
-Louis hangs up and then he walks back to his house-
Louis: Mom guess what I found a job!
Mom: Great when are you moving out?
Louis: What I'm not moving out yet I don't start till next week.
Mom: Ok. But I really think you should move out.
Louis: You can't expect me to move out today! I don't have money yet!
Felicite: Louis how did I get a job at nandos at 14 and you got a job at 18.
Louis: Well at least I'm doing something fun!
Felicite: Whatever sports are sweaty and gross. I don't even get how you can stand it outside for hours.
Louis: That is because we are awesome!
- Louis walks away to his room and listens to Black Veil Brides, Sleeping With Sirens and Falling In Reverse-
Mom: Louis we are going out for lunch do you want to come?
Louis: Sure!
-Louis turns off his music and walks downstairs grabbing his jean jacket and then he leaves the house and gets in the front page seat of the car while Daisy and Phoebe sit in the back-
Phoebe: Where are we going to eat?
Mom: Boston Pizza.
-They enter the restaurant and sit down at a booth-
Sam: I'm Sam I'll be your waiter today can we start of with some drinks?
Phoebe: Pepsi please.
Daisy: Root Bear please
Mom: Diet Coke.
Louis: Cream Soda thanks.
-He comes back with the drinks and then he ask then what they want to eat and they all order a large cheese pizza to share-
Waiter: Would you like your bill?
Mom: Yes please.
-She pays and then they go to the store to get new clothes-
Louis: Can I get these shirts and gym shorts?
Mom: Ok.
-After Louis gets his clothes, Phoebe gets a t shirt and Daisy gets lip gloss they go home and they stay in their rooms all day-
Mom: Hi Harry.
Harry: Hi.
Mom: So Harry I think you should join the Football team.
Harry: Are you fucking kidding me?
Mom: Harold your language! Plus your only friend is a six year old I want you to make friends your age.
Harry: Whatever. I have to go babysit Ellie anyway.
-Harry goes over to Ellie's house and then the parents leave-
Ellie: Harwey!
Harry: What's new El?
Ellie: I got a new dress for my dress up kit.
-Harry giggles a bit-
Harry: What colour is it?
Ellie: pink! I'll go show you!
-She goes to her room and grabs the pink dress and then she puts it over top of her clothes
Harry: Nice shade of pink! Are you hungry?
Ellie: Yeah!
Harry: What do you want to eat?
Ellie: Pizza!
Harry: Ok.
-Harry defrost dough from the freezer than he opens a can of sauce and and Ellie helps spread it on the pizza then they put the cheese on-
Ellie: The oven I ready!
-Harry opens the oven and then puts the pizza in the oven on the middle rack cooking it for 12 minutes-
Harry: Ellie can you get two plates and two napkins and then they cut the pizza and then they eat-
Ellie: Harwey pizza is good!
Harry: Thanks El.
Ellie: Wanna colour?
Harry: Sure.
-Ellie grabs two colouring books one princes and one toy story and then she grabs a 64 pack of crayons that they share-
Harry: Wanna Popsicle?
Ellie: Ok!
-They open the freezer and Ellie takes a Purple Popsicle while Harry takes a blue one-
Ellie: I'm tired!
-She falls asleep and Harry puts her in her bed while he waits downstairs for her parents-
Harry: Ok hopefully she's asleep.
- two hours later Ellie's parents come home and pay Harry and then he walks home-
Mom: Harry did you make up your mind yet about going to football?
Harry: Not yet.
-He walks up to his bedroom and goes to bed after he takes a ten minute shower and then he changes into his pj's and goes to bed-

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