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"Aye, look at this pretty one!" The man grabbed me by my ponytail and lifted me off of my feet. I let out a piercing scream as the pain shot from my head all the way down to my toes. All the men around me laughed, horrible, disgusting laughs.The one holding me dropped me, causing me to land roughly on the small wooden stage below us. I turned my head to face him, as he laughed right in my face once more. I saw his big black combat boot as it swung towards me, but I was not prepared for the force it would knock into me. I screamed again, instantly feeling my nose break. It started bleeding almost immediately, and I knew it was staining my thin white gown I had been forced into.

"She's a rough one, huh lads?" He laughed as he came and kneeled next to me. The blood from my nose had ran into my mouth and as he picked me up by my shoulders to stand next to him, I spit right in his face. My mixture of saliva and blood ran down his face and he wiped it off with the back of his hand. "I think she's gonna need someone who can truly discipline her! Let's start taking bids, shall we?"

The men in the parlor, most of them completely wasted as they shouted random numbers into the air, some of them shooting pretty high. Awe, how sweet. They thought I was worth thousands of dollars.

"Sixty thousand! Going once! Twice! So-" I swung my head back before he could finish his sentence and heard the crack of our heads meeting. That was the signal. I sincerely hoped Malcolm could tell that I had done the signal. I jumped into the air, bringing my hands which were tied behind me under my feet so that I could see them now. The men surrounding the stage had their knives and guns drawn in two seconds flat, and I saw as they started towards me. One extremely tall man was on the stage towards me first and his knife was drawn.

"C'mere you little bitch!" Since this guy was like, ten feet taller than me (but then again most people were taller than me), I watched in almost slow motion as his knife came towards my face. My hands came up, and I spread them out as far as the rope restraints would let me. As the ropes were cut free by his knife I grabbed the blade in between my palms and brought my knee into his crotch. He gasped as he fell to the floor. His knife was still in my hands, so I flipped it in the air so that I was holding the handle.

"Thanks for the knife, you little bitch." I yelled as more people came running towards me. Easily elbowing people in the face or kicking them in the stomach, I looked around for the rest of the Saviors. My attention was pulled away from searching as I heard the strong Scottish accent belonging to the man who had broken my nose.

"Aurora, duck!" Without questioning it, I ducked and covered my head. His grenade flew over me, exploding on the other side of the parlor. I stood up and ran towards him, having to yell now over all the commotion.

"Did you really have to break my nose, Thomas?" I spun around, punching a guy chasing us right in the jaw, and watched as Thomas groaned and boxed a guy's ears and headbutted him.

"Look, I wasn't trying to break your nose, Lassie. Had to be believable, right?" He said matter-of-factly as he grabbed the knife out of my hand. "For some reason I don't really trust you with this." I shook my head and laughed, looking around on the ground at the good work us Saviors had done. It struck me that the only people still standing were Saviors now. I was still looking for Malcolm, and I found him sitting in a chair, taking off his disguise. I walked towards him, trying to avoid all the bodies on the floor. He tossed his fake glasses to the floor, messing up his hair afterwards like he always did when he took off a disguise.

"Hey! Nicely done, Rory. I'm impressed, your acting skills only get better." Malcolm said as he stood up and slung his arm around my shoulders, placing a sloppy kiss on the top of my head "However, that nose will have to get looked at, maybe popped back in place when we get back." I smiled at him, knowing how much he cared for me.

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