9. And I say good bye

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So sorry for the late update, I was out of town till late yesterday and completely forgot to mention it. I will be out of town again next week as well so I will be updating again this week on Saturday or really early Sunday.

Thanks for reading!

Thirteen's POV

I throw the final knife into the hood of the fourth SUV and duck back into the car.

"Step on it," I order Jason, seriously I have no desire to be anywhere near these cars when they go up in smoke.

He obeys without complaint and speeds the car up even faster. The deafening sound of an explosion sounds loud and clear behind us.

"There's still one more," Cody says.

"Thank you captain obvious."

Cody opens his mouth to retort, but gets cut off as the remaining SUV rams into the side of our vehicle yet again. Lovely.  I feel myself fall backward into the back seat as the car begins to spin out of control.

"JASON!" I yell out. He better get this car under control quick.

"I'm TRYING!" he shouts back at me.

"TRY HARDER!" Cody pipes up.

The car is rammed into yet again effectively stopping us from spinning and giving Jason back control of the car. Immediately he swerves away and back down the road. I turn in my seat and look out the rear window. Just great it's him.

The sound of shattering glass followed closely by gunshots pierce the silence as the rear window shatters.

"Duck!" Chase yells out us as bullets soar over our heads.

"Man you really pissed him off," Devin mutters

"Not helping," I grumble.

"Maybe it would help if we knew what you did," Cody growls.

"Nope, that won't help either." Cody lets out a groan of frustration from the front seat.

"Well then what can you tell us? Cause so far guess what we know? Nothing! Absolutely nothing!"

"And that bothers you?" he makes a noise in the back of his throat that sounds like a cross between a growl and a choke. I'm beginning to believe that he's getting more pissed off than the guy behind us.

I let out a sigh "His name is Victor." All eyes except Jason's turn towards me, "He use to be a friend, and one-day things went bad...really bad. That's all I wish to say on the matter."

"That still answers none of our questions." Cody points out.

"Actually it answers all of them," I respond just before a loud popping noise similar to an explosion fills the car followed closely by the screeching of metal.

"What the hell is that?" Devin asks.

"The sound of a popped tire," Chase replies. A second sound exactly like the first sounds again and the car suddenly stops.

"Jason," I growl lowly.

"It's not me."

"Crap," I mutter before climbing over Chase and opening the car door. I turn to everyone, "Stay in the car." I order before stepping out and onto the deserted street. He stands there in front of me leaning against his car with a smug smirk on his face.

"Trinaest, što kazeš da riješiti ovo kao agenti, bez oruzja." (Thirteen, what do you say we settle this as agents, no weapons.) I stare at him before reaching down into my boots and removing my knives, never taking my eyes off him as he tosses his weapons away from him. I take the gun out of the small of my back and then I unstrap the dagger from my side. I toss them into his weapons, cause let's face it only one of us is making it out breathing.

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