Chapter 1

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Dipper Pov.

I opened my eyes, it was blurry but after blinking a few times, my visions became clear. I was laying down on a cold metal floor. I push myself up on a sitting position, I put my hands down on the metal floor, when I heard a clang.

I look down at my palm, and saw there was some kind of jewel on my left hand. I tried to pry it but it won't move.

After a few tries I gave up. I then looked around, noticing I was wearing some kind of hospital robe. I glance up and saw that I was in a barrier of some sort. I looked to the left and found my twin Mabel.

"Mabel?" I said, "Mabel!" I yelled.

"Uh wha- I'm up, I'm up." She mumbles, "Oh, hey bro- wha? Where are we?" she asked, in a slight panic voice.

"I-I don't know." I replied.

I looked around again, it looked like we were in some kind of lab. Oh god were weren't experimented on, were we? Then a door opened, and two ladies, wearing weird jump suits. One had orange skin, the other had yellow. They looked at us, with a stunned faces.

"It seems experiment two and three are up." The orange one said.

Experiment 2 and 3? We were experimented on! Wait, who's experiment one? Suddenly my question was answered by heard moaning. It came from the left. Mabel also looked to the source of the moan, and saw a asian teen also trapped, a boy and he was next to Mabel's cage.

"Ugh... my head. Where am I?" he asked.

"Don't worry, we were about to end you three any ways." The orange said.

"Whoa wait What!?" Mabel exclaimed, her eyes bulging out. Mine did too. Did they just say 'End' us!?

"Yes, you three are failures. So were just going put out of your misery." She replied bluntly.

"Wait I don't quite understand what's going on. Who are these kids? And why am I wearing hospital clothes?" the teen asked, while looking at himself clueless still. "and why is their a rock on the side of my shoulder?" He asked more confused.

He tried pulling it out, but it wouldn't move like mine.

"That" the yellow one stated, "is not a rock. It's a gem."

"Okay... what's it doing on my shoulder?" the teen asked again.

"You wouldn't understand." Orange one replied.

"Wha? What did you do to us?" I demanded, bit of fear in my tone.

"You don't need to know." Replied the orange one.

"Osarus! Are we ready to get rid of this rats?" she asked the yellow woman.

"Rats?" The teen questioned, looking a bit insulted.

"Yes Lopal, we just-" The walls burst into an explosion, covering the room in smoke blocking my vision.

"What happened!? What happened!?" Mabel asked repeatedly, wondering what was going on.

I could here fighting, and some boy cheering. Minutes passed and the smoke begins to fade. I saw 3 more strange women, and one boy about me and Mabel's age. One was tall, red skin, wore sun glasses, and had armor. The other had white skin, had a weird stone oh her fore head, and wore some kind of ballet outfit. The other was much shorter, purple skin, long white hair, black shirt, and some jeans, I think. The boy was the same height as the purple one, curly black hair, pink shirt with a big yellow star design, and jeans.

"Uhhh." The three of us said.

The boy walked towards me.

"Hey!" he greeted optimistically.

"Uh...hey." I said hesitantly.

He reached out his hand, and barrier opened, the boys veins glow yellow as it spread making him vibrate.

"W-w-we-well? Wh-w-wha-what a-are y-y-you wa-aiting f-for?-?" he asked, his voice was vibrating.

I walked out of my cage, and the boy lets it go returning back to normal.

"Whew!" the boy says in relief, "I'm Steven by the way, Steven Universe." The boy introduced himself, with his hand extended.

"Um, I'm Dipper, Dipper Pines." I said as we shook hands.

"Pfft, Dipper, that's a dumb name." says the purple woman.

"Amethyst!" the white woman chastised her, "Sorry about that."

Steven went on freeing my sister and the teen. I looked at the three unusual ladies in front of me.

"Uh, Hey... um I'm Dipper, but you already you knew that, hehe." I said awkwardly. The white one sent on odd look at me. "Sorry it's just... well you guys don't look...normal." I said, trying not to offend them.

"Oh that." Says the purple one, then chuckles a little, "Ya we get that a lot."

"Were not human." The one with red skin said bluntly.

"Indeed, and I'm sure your wondering why don't you." Says the white one.

"Nope not really." I replied.

They all looked surprise at my response, except for the red one who remained apprehensive.

"Really?" says the purple one, skeptically.

"Heh, I've seen weird stuff my self." I replied.

"Well this is the first." The white one said.

Then I was tackled by Mabel, "Hey bro, who's the strange gals?" she asked.

"Don't know but they say they aren't human." I replied squealing, loosing my breath because she was squishing me tightly.

She finally stood up, and I could breath again.

"So what are they?" she asked.

"We're Gems." The red one answers, "I'm Garnet, This is Pearls, Amethyst, and that boy is Steven." She says pointing at him.

"He looks normal." The teen says, "That's because I'm part gem, and part human." Steven answers.

"Wait what?" the teen says scratching his head.

"Sorry who are you?" I asked.

"OH, me? I'm Paolo, Paolo Honrade." He says.

"Ugh, are we done here yet, I really want to go home now." Amethyst said, with a bored tone in her voice.

"No." Garnet stated, "We still need to know why they abducted this kids"

"They said they experimented on us." Mabel blurted out.

All of the of them looked at Mabel, then at us.

"Experiment?" Pearl asked worried. "What did they do to you?"

Paolo showed his 'gem' thing on his upper arm and I showed mine. All of them we're eyes wide.

"We need to get out of here." Garnet said.

"But we still need to do something about the ship! And why they tried to convert them into gems." Pearl says.

Garnet thought about this for a moment.

"Alright then we take down any gem in this ship, prison them and go back to earth." Garnet stated.

They all nodded their heads, while me, Mabel, and Paolo stood there not believing what was happening.

"Take them down?! Garnet we don't how many they are." Pearl said, panic, "Don't worry we can handle this." Garnet replied, reassuring.

A/n: okay a lot of people are confused on who Paolo is. (I probably put this explanation a long time ago...) But the character is technically me.

Please don't hate me.

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