Chapter 12

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Garnet Pov.

"Open up Peridot!" I yelled pounding on the bathroom door, "If this Cluster is putting us in danger, tell us what it is so we could stop it!" I yelled through the door.

"NO! I hate you! I'm not telling you anything about the cluster!" She states.

"Ugh!" Amethyst groaned, "Oh come on!" she whined.

"What is it any way? I big chunk of..uh...granola?" she asked unsure.

"What's granola?" Peridote asked clueless.

"I'm sure it's not granola." Pearl says. "Now Peridot, I'm sure we could reach some kind of agreement." Pearl says.

"Perhaps a trade is in order?" Pearl suggested.

"Oh sure! What about you give me back my leg enhancements, and arm attachments, with my screen and my log, and all my information? Oh wait...YOU DESTROYED THEM! So no, I DON'T THINK WE COULD REACH SOME SORT OF AN AGREEMENT!" she yelled, we all groaned, then we hear the toilet flush.

"Okay Peridot, you can turn around now." we can hear Steven and the door opens, and Steven get's out. He cleared his throat, "Sorry for, interrupting your interrogation." Steven says.

"It's okay Steven." I said.

"I swear, Peridot is going to crack any second!" Pearl says frustrated.

"I'll never crack for the likes of you-you-you crystal clods!" Peridot says insulting us, which ticked Pearl off.

"Ooh, I got the clods right here you little-" She was about to knock the door down but I stopped her.

"Hold up Pearl, she's not going to be any help. Let's investigate this thing on our own." I told her, and she calms down and nods.

"I'll come with you!" Steven says, "Sorry Steven, we need you to keep an eye on our...guest." I said fixing my shades.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah make sure she doesn't try anything." Amethyst says.

"Oh, she's harmless with out her limb enhancers." Pearl says and they walked to the warp pad.

"I'M NOT HARMLESS!" Peridot yells.

"Oh HUSH UP!" Pearl yelled back.

"Oh Steven! I almost forgot! There's one more thing I have to tell you!" I said, "What is it!?" He asked panicking, I form a heart with my hands saying.

"Love you bye!" and the warp pad lit up and we were off.

Steven Pov.

I blushed and wave my arm shyly. Then my stomach growled, "Hmm...I guess it's lunch time." I said and I went to the kitchen to whip something up.

"Hmm...what should I cook?" I asked myself, then I hear thunder clouds, I looked at the window and it started to rain, "I guess I'm making chicken soup." I said and grabbed some ingredients.

It started to rain heavily, I was at the stove making the soup. I turned to the direction of the bathroom, "They left you know. You can come out now." I told Peridot.

"No! I-I like it here!" She stated.

"Okay." I said and went back to cooking my soup.

I hear the rain getting heavier. "Wow, it's really coming down." I said, and lighting struck.

Peridot suddenly burst out of the bathroom, she was panting and terrified.

"It's happening!" She yells.

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