Chapter 1

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Audrie's POV

His eyes were full of fear, but it didn't phase me, this was a look I've seen so many times that it doesn't affect me anymore. Blake, Ariana, and Stella were right behind me waiting for the sound of the bullet, tired of the man's pleas and his screams for help.

"Please, I have a wife and two kids, they need me!" He cried.

"Oh, so you have a wife that needs you? It didn't seem so when you were throwing yourself at Stella, you know, our baiter." I said with a look that told him I didn't believe him. He had no kids whatsoever. Ariana, also known as the best hacker there is, researched him from the day he was born up till now in less than an hour! He had no kids and was currently going through a divorce.

He hesitated, but then finally said " Please, I'll get you your money, I swear!"

"Now, where have I heard that before? Yup, that's right; It was last week when you were in the same position. Oh, and the week before that too." I replied.

"Please, I will do anything at all" he begged.

"Sorry, too little, too late" and I shot him right between his eyes.

"Finally!" I heard Ariana say.

"What took you so long, babe." Blake said while putting his arm around me.

"I was bored, I wanted to have a little fun" I pouted.

He chuckled and kissed my cheek as we walked up the alley and away from the bleeding body, towards our car. We all got in and I sat front while my twin, Ariana, and our baiter, Stella, sat at the back and my boyfriend, Blake, drove. Now don't get me wrong, when I say twin I don't mean that we look exactly alike, I just mean we both have the same birthday. But she absolutely, positively, looks NOTHING like me.

Once we got home, we flopped down on the sofa, nobody was home. The rest of the Gang were all still at the club, where we had killed that man.

"I heard El Diablos have been doing pretty well" Ariana said, breaking the silence in the room. El Diablos are, what you'd say, our rival gang. They are led by this obnoxious gang leader, Diego Sanchez, he is too cocky for his own good, and his ego is the size of Russia!

"Yeah, well, they don't stand a chance against us, we're like the best of the best" Blake scoffed.

"They are really powerful, if anyone is gonna take us down, it would be them, keyword: IF" I intervened. They both nodded in agreement.


Diego's POV

We burst through the doors and were overwhelmed by the smell of sweat and alcohol. People were all over the dance floor, grinding on one another and making out. This was something I was used to since this is how I spend most of my nights. Gabe and I headed over to the bar while the rest of the gang went upstairs into the private room. Gabe was my right hand man, my best friend, more like my brother. We grew up together and have been through everything together. Once we arrived we sat down and Gabe ordered us two shots of vodka, each. The bartender set them down in front of us and we both drank them with absolute ease.

"Now, I know you hate El Pedro, we all do, but you've got to admit that this Audrie chick is fucking hot!" Gabe said.

"I never said she wasn't, but let's face it she's a total bitch, with an ego the size of China! She has this idea that she is the best and no one can take her down, HA! She's just lucky that Blake guy is there to keep things together!"

"So, you guys pretty much aren't that different" He teased. "I mean YOU are lucky that I am here to keep things together!" He added with a wink.

"Yeah right, keep thinking that." I replied nonchalantly.

After a couple more drinks, I noticed some blonde staring at me from the dance floor, she was dancing with some guy, but was obviously uninterested. I mean how could she be interested in him when I'm right here? It's like humanly impossible!

I winked at her and motioned for her to come over. She ditched the guy and did as I told her. Hmmm, hot and obedient, score!

Once she was close enough, I raked my eyes up and down her body. She was wearing shorts that came right below her butt and a top, well, I consider that a bra.

"Hello there" she said in what I think was an attempt at a seductive voice.

"So, what's your name?" I asked with a smirk.

"Jesse, and yours?" She replied.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I asked with the sweetest voice I could muster up.

"Aw, common, I told you mine." She pouted.
"It's only fair" she added with a huff.

"Good point, I'm Diego Sanchez, the leader of one of the most powerful gangs in the country, but I'm sure you already know that." I said with so much pride, I sounded like that Audrie chick.

Recognition filled her eyes and she smirked "Ohh right! I didn't notice I am kinda drunk and it is dark in here" she said with a tiny blush.

"No harm done. Wanna dance?" I asked.

"Do you even have to ask?" And she pulled me with her to the dance floor. And then it was like I met a completely different girl, she was like an animal. But then I held onto her hips and pulled her towards me. She came closer and then I kissed her. It was nothing special, there were no fireworks or anything but she was a good kisser! I carried her and she wrapped her legs around my waist, I pushed her up against the wall and we began making out.

"Umm, sorry to intrude, but it's time to leave, Diego." I heard someone say.

I let out an annoyed growl and turned to see who the obnoxious person was. And of course it was none other than my best friend, Gabe Castillo, I should've known it was him.

"Kinda busy, Gabe, we'll leave later." I said, extremely irritated.

"No can't do buddy, this time, it's serious" his tone was so serious that I let the girl go, not before taking her number of course, and left with Gabe.

Once we were in the car, I turned to face Gabe, who was driving. "What was that all about?"

Gabe sighed and looked at me "we've got a huge problem."

***hey everyone! So this is the first story we are writing we hope you all like it and if you find any mistakes please just ignore haha.
Sorry for the shortness lol next chapter will be better.




Peace out✌🏻️, Sasha & Vanessa. xoxo***

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